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<ukleinek> krzk: regarding the w1 patch set: lore.k.o got the series just fine:
<ukleinek> krzk: what is strange on your side? Is it only that patches 1 and 4 got sent later? For me (looking at my MUA and lore) the threading looks fine.
<ukleinek> s/4/3/
<krzk> ukleinek: they appeared in my inbox under your reply, so I assume you resend new patchset, not send again the same ones
<krzk> while your other patches (1 & 3) were not in the inbox already
<krzk> If you send something missing few minutes after initial submission, that would be fine, but if you send 10 hours later after inbox got cleared it's just confusion.
<krzk> I see only two patches hanging on some unrelated email... Resending entire series in such case is more obvious.
<ukleinek> krzk: While I'm happy with the resulting thread, I keep that in mind. (But I hope to not foobar a submission like that in the future, so this should be irrelevant)
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<manospitsid> I'm debugging a possible pci bug on arm64 that causes SErrors, is there a direct way to check if the phys_addr in ioremap_prot in arch/arm64/mm/ioremap.c belongs to a specific (virtio) device?
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<marc|gonzalez> About optee: I want to call OPTEE_SMC_CALL_GET_OS_UUID from a driver. Am I supposed to somehow include drivers/tee/optee/optee_smc.h in my source code? That doesn't sound right...
<marc|gonzalez> Seems that if drivers/tee/optee/optee_smc.h is not in include, it must be because it is private. But I don't see OPTEE_SMC_CALL_GET_OS_UUID anywhere other than in the header and in Documentation/tee/op-tee.rst
<marc|gonzalez> Are Jens W or Sumit G in the channel, by any chance? :)
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