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<wens> robher: that discussion came up in FIT images, right? and for FIT images, shouldn't bootloaders be looking at the compatible string in the config section, not in the dtb itself?
<wens> they need not be the same is what I'm saying
<robher> wens: I think that was it. While I don't care about FIT, it also came up with EFI and how to tell grub what to use if there is an OS installed dtb.
<wens> I see. I assume grub doesn't do overlays so it needs a completed dtb+dtbo blob?
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<robher> wens: I believe there's an EFI protocol for it to update the dtb, so I suppose that could include applying overlays.
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<rgallaispou> Hi,
<rgallaispou> Would it be a good idea to add DTBS_CHECK option, doing the same as CHECK_DTBS in the main Makefile of the Linux kernel ? I mean as it already been discussed ?
<rgallaispou> This would avoid confusions between CHECK_DTBS=y and DTBS_CHECK=y
<rgallaispou> Arf I feel this would be better asked in #devicetree
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<cambrian_invader> regarding DTO compatibles, the thing we really want is append/prepend support
<cambrian_invader> which would also be helpful for things like clocks in regular DTBs
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