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<Amit_T> one basic question, Are ARMv8 PMUv3 counters per core, like arch timer?
<mrutland> yes
<mrutland> Each PE (i.e. hardware thread) has its own independent PMU
<Amit_T> okay, it means Linux PMU driver configures these PMU events (and its counters) per core basis?
<Amit_T> here it looks like, from any given CPU core, PMU events are configured for that core only? ,
<robmur01> an event is either bound to a CPU, in which case it always runs on that CPU, or to a task, in which case it runs on whichever CPU is running that task at any given time.
<robmur01> for system-wide collection, perf tool replicates the given event(s) for each CPU (e.g. try `perf stat -vvv -a cpu_cycles true` and observe the individual events being opened)
<Amit_T> okay, got it. It's perf that does per core event configuration, and all.
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<Amit_T> that is why, I see a small counter number when I configure its associated event from LKM (not extended for per core basis) compared to when read that event counter using perf.
<mrutland> I assume LKM == Linux Kernel Module?
<mrutland> Please don't use a random module to poke the PMU; the *only* supported interface for this is the perf_events system in the kernel, and anything else *will* randomly break (and likely cause other problems for the kernel)
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<Amit_T> yeah, its Linux Kernel Module. Okay sure, it was just part of some random experiment.
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<headless> is Suzuki K. Poulose from ARM on IRC? I'm prertty sure I've seen him but was unable to guess the nick...
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<headless> gic_irq_domain_map() seems to have always returned just 0
<headless> *wondering
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<headless> (in irq-gic.c, I mean -- this is a static func that implements the map() method)
<robmur01> headless: it was posted together with the same fix for GICv3, so may simply have been for the sake of consistency and robustness in case it ever _did_ start returning something
<headless> robmur01: so I thought
<headless> :-)
<robmur01> (and Suzuki's off today, but I'm not sure he'd remember a random fix from 7 years ago anyway)
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<headless> robmur01: thanx! (we have a static analyzer complaining)
<headless> (to add to that the reports are accompanied by some strange comments from the other corp)
<headless> *another
<headless> s/corp/reviewers/
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