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<mwalle> mh, there is dev_WARN_ONCE(dev), but it only seems to be a wrapper around WARN_ONCE. AFAIU it doesn't warn twice for two distinct devices, correct?
<geertu> mwalle: Correct
<mwalle> geertu: that's too bad (i was looking into replacing the WARN with WARN_ONCE here
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<geertu> mwalle: I'm afraid there is no other option that stroring your own once flag in struct i2c_adapter, and open-coding the logic
<geertu> s/that stroring/than storing/
<mwalle> geertu: yeah, probably not worth it
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<geertu> mwalle: Might be worthwhile to extend the internal do_once machinery to pass a pointer to your own already_done variable.
<geertu> This issue has come up before, and I have written open-coded custom do_once debug code in the past myself.
<mwalle> geertu: fair point, i also wonder if dev_WARN_ONCE() is actually correct or if the implications are known to the users
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<geertu> mwalle: All the once functions are really once globally, and not limited to the realm of one of the parameters
<geertu> Although it would be nice for the dev_*() (and probably some other) variants.
<geertu> Yes, I've been bitten by this before, too, as a bug in one driver is hiding bugs in other drivers.
<ukleinek> bah, allmodconfig is broken on sparc64
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