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<ndesaulniers> nathanchance: perhaps related to -mthumb:
<nathanchance> ndesaulniers: Ah right, as the compat vDSO is compiled with ‘-mthumb’ by default
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<ndesaulniers> from an old copy of the ARM ARM:
<ndesaulniers> > In ARMv5, the Thumb MOV instruction behavior varies according to the registers used (see note). Two
<ndesaulniers> changes are made in ARMv6.
<ndesaulniers> The restriction about the use of low register numbers in the MOV (3) instruction encoding is
<ndesaulniers> removed.
<ndesaulniers> — In order to make the new side-effect-free MOV instructions available to the assembler language
<ndesaulniers> syntax CPY Rd,Rn is introduced. This always assembles to the MOV (3) instruction regardless of
<ndesaulniers> programmer without changing the meaning of existing assembler sources, a new assembler
<ndesaulniers> whether Rd and Rn are high or low registers.
<ndesaulniers> wonder if any of that is relevant
<ndesaulniers> elsewhere low registers are defined as r0-r7
<ndesaulniers> nathanchance: ^
<ndesaulniers> looks like GAS might optimize `mov r0, r0` to a `nop`:
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<sally_> How is the progress of supporting rk3588 in mainline kernel?
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<ardb> ndesaulniers: nathanchance -ENOCONTEXT but MOVS can be used instead (but needs a 'cc' clobber)
<nathanchance> I am about to reply with more information on the implications of that Debian change
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<ardb> which change is that?
<ardb> nathanchance: so this is simply a matter of building the compat vdso for armv7
<nathanchance> ardb: Somewhat, ARCH=arm is affected as well, in an even worse manner
<ardb> how so?
<nathanchance> ‘—target=arm-linux-gnueabi -march=armv7-a’ will result in ‘-triple armv5e-unknown-linux-gnueabi'
<ardb> ok so that is just plain broken for anything built with that compiler, right?
<nathanchance> Right
<ardb> for the arm64 case, i would argue that the missing target is something that we should fix anyway
<nathanchance> They are basically hardcoding arm-linux-gnueabi to mean their “armel” which is an armv5 baseline and arm-linux-gnueabihf to mean “armed” which is armv7
<nathanchance> We have a target for the arm64 case
<ardb> so why does it complain about needing v6? is that also a debian llvm bug?
<nathanchance> No, it’s the consequence of that change
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<nathanchance> Maybe this will help make it a little more clear, may take a sec to show up on lore:
<nathanchance> And with that, I need some fresh air lol
<ardb> but mcpu=generic is wrong for the compat vdso
<ardb> it should be v7 or v8 explicitly, as compat implies that, regardless of the compiler
<ardb> ah never mind
<ardb> that is the thing that is broken too, right?
* ardb notices arch=armv8-a in VDSO_CAFLAGS
<nathanchance> Right, the ‘-mcpu=generic’ would only be to avoid Debian’s logic
<ardb> iow, it is actually the same issue as on ARCH=arm
<ardb> if march= stops working, they will definitely have more issues
<nathanchance> Yeah, now that I am re-reading my message with post walk clarity, I should have made that way more obvious
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