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<geertu> arnd: I'm having lots of fun with fixing -Wmissing-prototypes in my local debug code...
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<ukleinek> krzk: When you say "I applied #1 and #2. [...] Please rebase and res
<ukleinek> end.
<ukleinek> it would be very helpful to mention the tree and branch where you applied.
* ukleinek can find it for sure (or wait until #1 and #2 appear in next), but I'd expect adding this info would be trivial on your side
<krzk> ukleinek: please check ALL my previous messages "about applied", except this one
<krzk> b4 did not record this one, so you did not get it.
<krzk> Also you can check my presentation how to configure b4 for this...
* ukleinek wonders how to configure b4 to find a link to krzk's presentation :-)
<krzk> last time you picked my one, my only one response without trimmed context, and complained about it. Now you picked one (or almost one) without standard b4 reply and again.
* ukleinek must have done something strange, patch #3 doesn't apply even on the specified base commit
<ukleinek> krzk: sorry to annoy you
<ukleinek> no offence intended, that was just a wishlist item and I very appreciate your transparancy. So let me make that explicit, too: Thanks!
<krzk> I don't know how to tell b4 that skipped patch (git am --skip) should result in a committed part of b4 shazam transaction, thus b4 ty should send ty letter for two commits.
<krzk> Maybe b4 just cannot do it and I need to drop patches of that half-transaction and b4 shazam individual commits...
<ukleinek> krzk: I guess it works with -P 1-2, but having to redo that is annoying
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<broonie> Yeah, -P lets you specify specific patches from the series. It'll still say it's only applying a subset.
<ukleinek> broonie: it would be nice if you could do something simple after shazam -P 1-3 failed to apply the third patch that has the same result as shazam -P 1-2 after resetting your tree.
<krzk> The problem is: you apply entire set, then one patch does not apply (this case the last) and you do git am --skip. In my case, b4 did not record the transaction for ty.
* broonie does separate b4 am and actual apply so that's not an issue.
<ukleinek> it would be nice if ty looked at the patches that are actually committed instead of its record which patches you intend to apply.
<broonie> You can tell it to do that - use -a.
<ukleinek> ..ooOO(irc is so much easier than reading docs :-)
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