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<NishanthMenon> Got a rather basic question to ask folks here w.r.t SoCs and different system suspend states - references: etc.
<NishanthMenon> When an SoC has custom system wide suspend state, is the standard strategy folks use to deal with say suspend-to-special-idle1, suspend-to-special-idle2 etc .. to use a systemd service file to read a config file which is then translated to specific sysfs file update the SoC specific system power state?
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<arnd> ajb-linaro: ah, I must have misremembered then, I thought it only happens with "-cpu host". Can you reproduce it with both -cpu settings?
<arnd> what the warning tells you is that _sve_rdvl() reports an expected vector length. I'm not sure which register this is, but the macro looks like
<arnd> with "-cpu max", I would expect SVE to get emulated by qemu the same way it does when KVM is disabled
<arnd> maybe the instruction is not trapped but directly executed by the host cpu, so it tells you whatever non-SVE CPUs are supposed to report (invalid, zero or the size of NEON vectors, not sure)
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<maz> arnd: do you have a pointer to this KVM issue with SVE? this really should be air-tight, but if it isn't, there is a whole lot of stuff to revert immediately.
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<j`ey> maz:
<j`ey> ./ -t arm64:sve_vl -t arm64:sve-ptrace
<j`ey> broonie: did you see ^
<maz> j`ey: arnd was talking about something already reported, but I have no trace of it.
<j`ey> ah sorry, thought you just missed the context on irc
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<maz> nah, that's still in my scrollback buffer... (ffs, when is ARM going to release an AArch64 FVP???)
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<ajb-linaro> arnd: I don't have any HW capable of SVE and KVM...
<ajb-linaro> gah why are selftests so hard to cross build
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<Guest9561> ajb-linaro: are you using a hosted toolchain, or a bare-metal toolchain? with a hosted cross-toolchain I just need to build the kernel, run 'make headers', then 'make ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- -C tools/testing/selftests TARGETS=arm64 install' and I get a folder full of tests
Guest9561 is now known as mrutland
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<ajb-linaro> mrutland: its the debian gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu toolchain - but I think its a header issue because obviously my system doesn't understand HWCAP2_SME yet
* ajb-linaro tried make -C ../../tools/testing/selftests/ O=(pwd)/tools/testing/selftests INSTALL_PATH=(pwd)/install TARGETS=arm64
<Guest6991> Ah, I was under the impression that running 'make headers' built that into an in-tree file that the selftests included
<Guest6991> Ugh, nickserv pain
<Guest6991> I thought my system was too old to have HWCAP2_SME in its native headers
* ajb-linaro tries make headers first
<ajb-linaro> so should it try an pick up headers from $BLD/usr/include/?
<Guest6991> If I *don't* run 'make headers' first, I get tonnes of missing definition warnings, If I do, it works
<Guest6991> Yup, AFAICT it picks it up from the 'usr/include/' directory in-tree, I'm doing na in-tree build so I don't know if it's looking at $BLD or potentially missing that
<ajb-linaro> bbl, time to speed run my Wednesday meetings
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<robmur01> maz: check the latest Neoverse N2/V2 reference FVPs, seems it *is* finally happening, quietly - :O
<arnd> maz: I see the report from nkambo here,, not sure if that was the only I remebered, or if roxell also had one of those
<arnd> ajb-linaro: I didn't mean you should run it on SVE-enabled hardware in KVM, I'm fairly sure it only happens on non-SVE hardware. The question is whether "-cpu host" correctly reports the absence of SVE so the testcase gets skipped, or if it runs into the same assertion in the kernel
<ajb-linaro> arnd: ahh ok
<ajb-linaro> mrutland: hmm yeah I'm doing out-of-tree builds and the -I/home/alex/lsrc/linux.git/tools/testing/selftests/ -isystem /home/alex/lsrc/linux.git/builds/arm64.initramfs/tools/testing/selftests/usr
<ajb-linaro> /include looks suspicious
<mrutland> ajb-linaro: I'm just building something atm, but I can try an out-of-tree build in a sec
<mrutland> ajb-linaro: if you could share your magic runes it'd help :)
<mrutland> (I largely can't remember how to do out-of-tree builds)
<maz> robmur01: awesome! do you know if they plan to do the same for AEM?
<ajb-linaro> mrutland: broadly ^
<ajb-linaro> mrutland: I thought out-of-tree was the OneTrueWay (tm) for anyone who has a zoo of kernel builds
<mrutland> ajb-linaro: I'm starting to use git-worktree atm, and I don't usually have more than two things I need to have active at once
<mrutland> ajb-linaro: I think those steps are missing bits? that first 'make menuconfig' can't work unless you have some other environment variables telling it where the kernel tree makefile is
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<mrutland> Looking at the docs, it does look like the kselftest makefile stuff expects to be run on an in-kernel build, even if the kselftests are build out-of-tree
<mrutland> So probably worth asking on the list; I can't see how this can work without separate paths specified for the kernel dir and the kselftest dir
<mrutland> Ugh; trying to do an out-of-tree build for that ended up placing objects in the src dir
<mrutland> So I think people haven't really thought about this case, and it's not qruite right
<mrutland> e.g. if I run "make -C /home/mark/src/linux O=/home/mark/out-of-tree-build-dir ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- -j50 kselftest-install TARGETS=arm64"
<mrutland> ... it builds, and I end up with a 'kselftest' folder in my out-of-tree-build dir
<mrutland> ... but it created the objects in the src dir
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<broonie> The kselftest build stuff is a bit of a disaster.
<broonie> arnd: Not seen any report of any issue that looks like what ajb-linaro mentioned, everything from the LKFT people has been "our emulated system is very slow" and possibly one issue in fp-stress that's already fixed in -next but I'm waiting for Naresh to reply there.
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<broonie> ajb-linaro: Do you have more specifics on how to reproduce the issue? Running sve_vl and sve-ptrace inside a guest is working for me with both -next and Linus' tree.
<broonie> Under qemu.
<ajb-linaro> broonie: with -cpu max,pauth-impdef=on -machine virt-2.10,mte=on
<ajb-linaro> broonie: but maybe its a QEMU regression - what version are you running
<broonie> arnd: You'd not be able to trigger the assert without SVE hardware, RDVL is an instruction which would fault on non-SVE.
<broonie> ajb-linaro: I'm running 7.0.90 (v7.1.0-rc0-32-gfc2cc19ffa)
<ajb-linaro> mrutland: -j50 flex much ;-)
<ajb-linaro> v7.2.0-rc3-23-gb0f2a5aa98
<broonie> -cpu max,pauth-impdef=on virt,gic-version=3,mte=on,virtualization=true
<ajb-linaro> broonie: ok once I've got the one test case built I shall bisect QEMU
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<broonie> I do a good chunk of my testing in qemu, but it's possible host performance issues or something could trigger a race condition. It looks like you're testing mainline?
<ajb-linaro> broonie: I live on mainline...
<broonie> What it's checking there is that the vector length it thought it set on the task is the same one that's set in the hardware, originally written via ZCR_EL1.LEN and then verified via the RDVL instruction.
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<mrutland> ajb-linaro: should I go with -j256 instead? ;
<mrutland> ajb-linaro: it turns out core/thread count != throughput anyway ;)
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<robmur01> maz: sorry, no idea, just thought I'd check out of curiosity and was pleasantly surprised.
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<ajb-linaro> mrutland: ok I was being too clever - I should have kept O= the root of my build tree: make -C ../../tools/testing/selftests/ O=(pwd) TARGETS=arm64
<ajb-linaro> hmm still dynamically linked though...
<geertu> mrutland: Yeah, I ran into selftest placing objects in the src dir a few years ago, and sent patches
<geertu> Unfortunately not much happened with them, and I lost interest...
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