lanefu changed the topic of #armbian-rockchip to: Armbian - Linux for ARM development boards | Rockchip SoC | | This channel is relayed to the equivalent Discord channel | this channel is logged
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <rpardini> easiest is to build with `EXT=mesa-vpu`
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <ideallykafei> Hmm?
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <infinity_q> yep, new kernel works great
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <stonededge> Could anyone help me resolve this issue? I am trying to compile this overlay, but it keeps failing with syntax error.
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <stonededge> ```stonededge@retroled-cm5:~$ sudo armbian-add-overlay pll-cru.dts Compiling the overlay
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <stonededge> Error: pll-cru.dts:4.1-9 syntax error
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <stonededge> FATAL ERROR: Unable to parse input tree
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <stonededge> Error compiling the overlay
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <stonededge> ```
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <stonededge> ```stonededge@retroled-cm5:~$ sudo armbian-add-overlay pll-cru.dts
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <stonededge> Compiling the overlay
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <stonededge> Error: pll-cru.dts:4.1-9 syntax error
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <stonededge> FATAL ERROR: Unable to parse input tree
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <stonededge> Error compiling the overlay
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <stonededge> ```
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <stonededge> Seems to keep failing at the include line
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <stonededge> Could anyone help me resolve this issue? I am trying to compile this overlay, but it keeps failing with syntax error at the include line. I've already verified all of my headers are at the /usr/include/dt-bindings directory, so I am not sure how to proceed.
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <stonededge> Seems to keep failing at the include line... why?
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <rpardini> My guess is, the header package does not carry all the needed includes. Can try adding this overlay to the the `patch/kernel/xxx/overlay` folder and Makefile and see it it builds there? If yes then we could find the missing stuff in headers pkg and add it
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <mecoblock> I thought I might check if there were updates to the ddr & bl31 binaries for RK3588:
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <mecoblock>
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <mecoblock> Have to build images and test them but might be good to get those in too
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <mecoblock> Kind of curious about that pcie bin but I have no idea where that is being used
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <mecoblock> Works on DDR5 based board
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <mecoblock> If someone with UART and a **DDR4** based RK3588(s) board can test this it would be nice:
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <mecoblock>
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <mecoblock> If the dependant PR isnt merged yet just switch to my rkbin branch in the rkbin extension
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <mecoblock> If someone with UART and a **DDR4** based RK3588(s) board can test this it would be nice:
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <mecoblock>
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <mecoblock> If the dependant PR isnt merged yet just switch to my rkbin branch (RK3588-DDR-And-BL31) in the rkbin extension