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[Discord] <rpardini> I hear there's a `rkr9` release for the 5.10 Rockchip vendor kernel? (I run 5.10 for some boards still, and mostly interested in the security updates.)
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[Discord] <mecoblock> I don’t think rockchip is doing much security in their rkr releases but amazingfate might be able to upload the rkr9 tag
[Discord] <rpardini> If I half-understand (which I don't...) they merge the Android kernel branch in, which would bring some of the stable kernel's fixes.
[Discord] <rpardini> At least for the 6.1, their releases exactly match the Android equivalent (6.1.75, 6.1.84, 6.1.99)
[Discord] <monkablyat> As long as enough money flow's out of buyers pocket's they seems to have enough resources to keep clown designer rave just rollin
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[Discord] <gospod13337> What exactly do you mean?
[Discord] <monkablyat> Making decisions is always up to each individual, but if you take a close look at some product lines you get an idea of how long clown design rave has been running
[Discord] <gospod13337> Im not following... Where is the start and where is the end and what do you mean by clown design rave?
[Discord] <monkablyat> Find it out man , maybe look at some new and shiny boards might help to find out about top secret clown rave party's hehehe
[Discord] <gospod13337> If you would be more helpful in explaining, that would be great, otherwise I dont have a clue what you are saying
[Discord] <monkablyat> Think explained it well enough
[Discord] <gospod13337> What do other boards and rockchip have to do with rave, clowns, parties?
[Discord] <gospod13337> And armbian and linux
[Discord] <monkablyat> I think the same as quantum physics enthusiasts have in common with world snail day enthusiasts
[Discord] <gospod13337> Is your heart broken by any of that?
[Discord] <monkablyat> ???? That's a question I don't understand man , currently can't complain about anything I guess
[Discord] <monkablyat> What got bad design to do with it , well maybe need to find out on clown rave
[Discord] <gospod13337> Why are you complaining about clown rave then?
[Discord] <monkablyat> Look man if you you don't get it then I really can't care less , some get it that's fine
[Discord] <gospod13337> I get it and you obviously care about something. Complaining about clown raves and quantum physics and linux sounds like germany is out of beer
[Discord] <gospod13337> Did you try lots of beer?
[Discord] <monkablyat> Yeah care about another time cash grab and money of others sorry man
[Discord] <monkablyat> My time is also pretty limited right now , explained it all , good bye and go have a pizza
[Discord] <gospod13337> Try beer and come back for another round
[Discord] <monkablyat> Don't have any numbers yet but could be - drinking could end in buying brain AFK any shit
[Discord] <gospod13337> You can write in your native language and I will translate it myself
[Discord] <mecoblock> I think he means the "debug party" Radxa does for new product lines… but yeah I also wish we'd stop with the borderline offtopic spam in channels with topics
[Discord] <monkablyat> It's not off topic since the clown dance include so far BSP
[Discord] <monkablyat> And just gave a answer to friend so ....
[Discord] <monkablyat> And just gave a answer to a friend so ....
[Discord] <gospod13337> Thats an arogant response and not an answer, friend
[Discord] <monkablyat> If you don't like it , deal with it , can't care less
[Discord] <gospod13337> Alright
[Discord] <monkablyat> You dudes also know that I do mostly do gaming mods , can't recommend this to any , not like this , that's just how it is , live with it
[Discord] <gospod13337> That explains everything
[Discord] <gospod13337> That explained everything
[Discord] <monkablyat> We do not even have those older shiny products, the rk3588 at a point where you could be happy with panvk , it get daily better but need time
[Discord] <monkablyat> Mainline lagg of various things as well
[Discord] <monkablyat> Vendor move on like drunk clown come from rave left wife with baby behind
[Discord] <monkablyat> I hope this explains it a bit better now
[Discord] <monkablyat> This is not hurting my personal feelings at all , there is HQ japnese animation and pizza
[Discord] <gospod13337> Its overexplained
[Discord] <johnthecoolingfan> what is going on here
[Discord] <monkablyat> You asked for it and about to switch to japanese animation science soon so time also limited
[Discord] <gospod13337> This science is also going to run on a rockchip board?
[Discord] <monkablyat> Yes
[Discord] <monkablyat> rk3588
[Discord] <gospod13337> So only games dont work flawlessly?
[Discord] <monkablyat> Not that much to complain right now but just stick to follow the RPCS3 science
[Discord] <gospod13337> Did you ever play x86 games?
[Discord] <monkablyat> Well at some point panthor made me shake more head as some hyperspace spaceships so gave up for a while on box86 science and hope on panvk then go back
[Discord] <gospod13337> Sounds like youre trying to invent ICE instead and before walking to a store and buy groceries
[Discord] <monkablyat> Living on the country for good reasons , they know me and know what you need
[Discord] <monkablyat> So the country people know walking to any kind of store not always same
[Discord] <monkablyat> Most might know this one market you somehow never like to go
[Discord] <gospod13337> Here i meant real x86 hardware and not emulated
[Discord] <gospod13337> With windows.
[Discord] <monkablyat> Oh yeah I own a real computer with a nice GPU and do sometimes the windows gaming science on it