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[Discord] <rpardini> also, since I already bothered, and beeping/buzzing is fun: `pwm8_m0` might deserve a `compatible = "pwm-beeper"` 😉
[Discord] <narga_64> Thanks!
[Discord] <narga_64> I'll look into that. Haven't seen it anywhere before that pwms had a `compatible` property.
[Discord] <narga_64> Did you test it? Not that, when advertised, something is using the buzzer automatically for something. Then we again have the problem of sudden beeping noises scaring the hell out of people 😂
[Discord] <monkablyat> In a world full of unnecessary beep noises, every further beep is one beep too many
[Discord] <alexl83> WOuld be interesting however to get a buzz/beep at 3AM while booting a test image by SDCARD 😄 😄 😄
[Discord] <monkablyat> The SBC does this exactly once then it gets to know the hammer
[Discord] <alexl83> but isn't beeper/buzzer a removable addon on all SBCs? Asking out of ignorance
[Discord] <monkablyat> lane@bongo should be drumming rather than beeping hehe lol
[Discord] <lanefu> Yeah I'm sure you could easily hang your own off a PWM enabled gpio pin. But this factory. And just another indicator that cm3588nas was really thinking about _being a NAS_ in its design
[Discord] <alexl83> Then maybe disabled by default in DTC with an optional -enable overlay
[Discord] <alexl83> tbh btw, best surprises are buzzers going off randomly during nighttime while family is sleeping
[Discord] <narga_64> Yes 🤣
[Discord] <narga_64> CM3588 NAS has it soldered. You could unsolder it lol. But easier just to remove the DT node.
[Discord] <narga_64> If you don't have a CM3587 NAS, you might wanna get one, since you were asking earlier about what to buy next 😄
[Discord] <narga_64> Yeah dude please invent a bongo-buzzer 🪘
[Discord] <alexl83> I'd still rather have it disabled by default in DTC with an optional "-enable" DTS for those who dare playing in the night during the storm 😄
[Discord] <alexl83> just to be inclusive
[Discord] <narga_64> I believe it's already enabled, but shouldn't do anything since there's nothing, no driver assigned to it.
[Discord] <narga_64> If we `compatible = buzzer` I'm not sure anymore 😂
[Discord] <narga_64> Some PCs and Laptops definitely beep when booting. Not sure if U-Boot has such a "feature" as well.
[Discord] <alexl83> I'm happy nowadays pcs have removable buzzer so it's the first thing I don't plug
[Discord] <rpardini> `pwm-buzzer` will expose it under `/dev/input` somehow. Otherwise @lanefu suggested -- which works (give it the corresponding `pwmchipX`, in my case, `-p 2`)
[Discord] <rpardini> But yeah the buzzing logic itself should be left to userspace, I think. Think monitoring ZFS or such.
[Discord] <igorpec> here we can be sure upstream won't break it 😉
[Discord] <rpardini> yeah. but it's really different from other `current`s we have. this is 1) EOL and 2) not LTS
[Discord] <rpardini> it is _the best mainline experience we can deliver without hindering 6.10+ development_
[Discord] <igorpec> yes, in this context, its good
[Discord] <rpardini> a hero might bump it to 6.9 too one day. and 6.12 might be LTS
[Discord] <monkablyat> That looks beter than beep support because every unnecessary beep will feel the power of the standard hardware store hammer
[Discord] <rpardini> Definitely Armbian shouldn't beep _at all_. But user should be _able_ to make it beep. Making it beep gives a joyful feeling of "I've a proper NAS" that's incomparable to anything mere mortals experience.
[Discord] <rpardini> in my case it triggers flashbacks to the early 2000's of walking into a PERC-infested datacenter beeping everywhere after a power outage.
[Discord] <monkablyat> I'm glad that Armbian has been running on my NAS for years now without a beep, but I understand your point
[Discord] <alexl83> we need a bigger newer hammer
[Discord] <alexl83> Make ARMBian Beep (Again)
[Discord] <monkablyat> It seems like it, but it would be enough to work in a McDonald's for a week and you learn to hate beeps
[Discord] <alexl83> I do hate them, especially the UPS-type ones in small server rooms - but at home, I'd love the possibility of the thrill - forget to disable and you get an early alarm at 3am
[Discord] <monkablyat> That's why I have my cat, who just three days ago in the middle of the night tore the whole curtain off the window - it was a lot of fun and it was pretty loud too
[Discord] <alexl83> then your'e an hardcore night owl like me 😂
[Discord] <alexl83> then you're an hardcore night owl like me 😂
[Discord] <mecoblock> the last time I heard a beep was actually fairly recently when like a >6yr old drive in the work synology died and since I was remote other people could notify me
[Discord] <lanefu> haha yeah my synology is my primary beep source as well
[Discord] <lanefu> but i realized that's a really great feature
[Discord] <lanefu> since i don't _always_ have my push notifications configured correctly
[Discord] <mecoblock> that nas a relict from before I started and I didn’t do much besides keeping it updated so I was actually glad we rebuild the raid quick
[Discord] <alexl83> please update push notification ringtone to the same beep tone as your board