<DC-IRC> <Winford> Thanks for all your help and support guys! I have a proper u-boot on SPI and the system running off of ssd. I even threw in a ssd1306 while I had the case open - since I bought the cheaper one without.
<DC-IRC> <Winford> Almost done setting up NextCloud with the storage on a big HD. 😁
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<DC-IRC> <Juju.> Hello, I have made some simple test with my new Odroid N2+ but I have an interrogation about the GPU driver I use. When I do some neofetch, uname glxinfo... Thez say it is meson. It is not clear for me what is Meson ? And because I use 6.1 kernel (the kernel already included), does meson means I use mesa driver (Panfrost) or some GPU driver blobs for amlogic ? Ant if it is a blob, is it a good blob (with OpenGL support, VPU, and maybe Vu