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<DC-IRC> <Winford> Can anyone help with successfully erasing the SPI flash on an odroid-hc4 after booting up on an SD card? I cannot do it from inside pboot shell, the last pb-update broke the usb and reverting to any previous version does not fix it.
<DC-IRC> <Winford> "flash_erase /dev/mtd0 0 0" as root shows 100% success, but pboot is still there...
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> @Winford I just bypass Petitboot
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> I build images with u-boot order running spi after removeable
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> That's how my n2/+ and my m1 are configured
<DC-IRC> <Winford> The only way I can is to pull both drives and flip the unit sideways so I can push the button with a chopstick and hold that in while I plug it in until the blue light comes on…
<DC-IRC> <Winford> No nice switch like the N2. 😢
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> Ah
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> I thought it still booted sd first
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> if it does you can build a u-boot that will redo the boot order
<DC-IRC> <Winford> After the last pb-update it doesn’t boot anything… it just hangs.
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> ouch
<DC-IRC> <Winford> Nearly a brick… but I can force it to load off of sd as described previously.
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> Unfortunately thats one unit I dont have
<DC-IRC> <Winford> After this experience I wouldn’t recommend it…
<DC-IRC> <Winford> I guess I need to open it up and pull the board and see if I can get pboot to respond over uart… I hope pboot is being exposed there…
<DC-IRC> <Winford> If so that is about my last hope, hopefully pboot will let me wipe it from the shell.
<DC-IRC> <Winford> Can I flash that to the SPI flash? I haven’t found much documentation about that except for a few specific examples for completely different boards. Maybe I would have better luck overwriting it with u-boot, I would prefer to boot straight of my ssd that have to rely on an sd card for u-boot.
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> here we go
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> you tried this?
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> supposedly if you can get in to pb.. you can
<DC-IRC> <Winford> With bricked usb I can’t get to pboot shell. I did see a suggestion to put those commands into a userscript.sh in the root of the boot partition, that is supposed to be run by pboot at startup, but that didn’t work.
<DC-IRC> <Winford> But I plan on trying that over uart if I can get that to work…
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> yeah... thus more dislike for PB
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> one of the reasons soon as I get a board with it.. I ditch PB
<DC-IRC> <Winford> I thought I liked it at first when I could use it to netinstall several different distro options… but now it is totally not worth that convince if you can get locked out like this!
<DC-IRC> <Winford> I will from now on!
<DC-IRC> <Winford> UART to the rescue! I was able to the the flash_eraseall and find all 3 mtd partitions. It’s taking much longer this time so I think it’s actually working this time. 🤞
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> Excellen
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> Excellent
<DC-IRC> <Winford> Victory! I really should have thought of that much sooner. While I have this thing open I should drill a hole in the case and mount a stereo audio jack that is connected to the uart port so I can have easier access in the future…
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> Yay!!
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> I only basicly use uart cables... I have 4 spare
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> I only have laptops so they come in handy for my SBC's
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> (I gave up using desktops/towers back around 2010 because I'm on the go too much)
<DC-IRC> <Winford> I have a bunch too, and breakout modules to make more… I do a lot of work with micro controllers…
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> Yeah... no microcontrollers (I can't really handling soldering/etc anymore) however I easily have 25+ active SBC'd I use
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> Yeah... no microcontrollers (I can't really handling soldering/etc anymore) however I easily have 25+ active SBC's I use
<DC-IRC> <Winford> I only have about 6-7 SBCs in active use… and about that many waiting to be put to use…
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> heheh