<DC-IRC> <rpardini> Winford: yeah you found all yourself. UART is the way. Also: if you use the damned button to "mask" the SPI (and thus boot from SD), you can't _write_ to SPI either (it's masked). So only way is to wipe pboot from itself via UART, then boot Armbian from SD (without button, and thus no mask), then write u-boot to SPI with `armbian-install`, and finally you have a de-crapped, wonderful HC4.
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> Make sure to thank HardKernel for that wonderful experience 😉
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<DC-IRC> <Winford> Thank you! Getting u-boot onto the SPI is my next step. Thanks for pointing out `armbian-install`, that probably saved me some extra research! I will look into that after work today.
<DC-IRC> <Winford> I think I will thank HardKernel (now I know why they chose that name 😂) by making my next SBC purchase a RockPro64!
<DC-IRC> <Winford> That makes so much sense after you explained the “mask” situation. I think I just got so frustrated after 4 days of trying every suggestion I could find without success, that I just wasn’t thinking clearly anymore! 😉
<DC-IRC> <Tonymac32> I just wish every single vendor would offer a blank SBC with nothing at all on it.
<DC-IRC> <Tonymac32> or offered all the necessary tools to easily rewrite it
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> We should add those instructions to download page. Must be the 4th person this year alone...
<DC-IRC> <Tonymac32> yeah
<DC-IRC> <Werner> Lacking docs is kind a common 😂
<DC-IRC> <Tonymac32> well sure, it's the vender's responsibility but they are generally crap
<DC-IRC> <Werner> Often yes
<DC-IRC> <Winford> My broken usb on the odroid-hc4 seems to be a common occurrence, so mentioning the uart alternative could probably save other people a lot of headaches.
<DC-IRC> <Winford> This thread describes the defective component (u23), which seems to be placed very deliberately to make replacing it all but impossible without hot-tweezers - which are completely beyond my budget!
<DC-IRC> <Winford> But in my case even a powered usb hub did not make a difference.