<DC-IRC> <Werner> Not yet. Check latest leaflet newsflash
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<DC-IRC> <Tonymac32> same, I used Gentoo on my netburst machine because, when the kernel was compiled for it, that prescott P4 could put in the work
<DC-IRC> <stamasd> @werner join out Funtoo discord. The BDFL (benign dictator for life, i.e. Daniel Robbins) is there every day. 🙂 https://discord.gg/QXerhXZk
<DC-IRC> <stamasd> I use Funtoo for everything, including my NAS. 🙂
<DC-IRC> <stamasd> it's not a big distribution but there are always helpful people around to solve problems
<juri_> is it time now? ;)