DC-IRC has joined #armbian-allwinner
<DC-IRC> <markatlnk> I asked about the Mango Pi MQ-Pro awhile back, they said there was a new person taking it over, Haven't tried it lately, the 6/5 version did not boot.
<juri_> sorry, i don't have one of those to test.
<juri_> what SOC is it built around?
<DC-IRC> <markatlnk> The MangoPi MQ-Pro is built on the D1 chip. I have the 1G RAM version. Finally connected up a serial terminal to see the boot messages. I suppose I could connect it again and copy the messages for you.
<DC-IRC> <markatlnk> Let me download yesterday's download and try that.
<DC-IRC> <markatlnk> Ok, Downloaded Armina 23.8 Lunar CLI version and used the Raspberry Pi imager to push it to a 32G SD card. (I use a mac).
<DC-IRC> <markatlnk> It still does not boot, here is the log file that it produces.... http://zjunk.net//MangoPiBootlog.txt
<juri_> ERROR: Did not find a cmdline Flattened Device Tree
<juri_> Could not find a valid device tree
<juri_> that's where your boot is going sideways, i think.
<juri_> i don't know what to do about it yet, but.. :)
<DC-IRC> <markatlnk> I agree, but even though I have substantial experience in other areas, booting errors are not part of what I know. I will post on the Armbian forums also.
<DC-IRC> <markatlnk> Interesting, if I plug in a USB stick to it, (no image on it) the boot process does spot it and bombs because of no image.
<DC-IRC> <catsmeat> Igor, I'm very grateful for everything that you and the Armbian team have done, and I realize that in spite of the growth of the project, it's still a bit of a shoestring, so I do not want to come off as entitled and complainy. But maybe some helpful feedback? When I download a final release image from a website that looks as professional as Armbian's, I just assume that it's bee <clipped message>
<DC-IRC> <catsmeat> n tested and will work, and if it doesn't I'm going to spend a lot of time trying to figure out what I did wrong. If you're telling me that none of the images have been tested before being released, that would be a good thing to note by the download link, or in the release announcement, perhaps along with a request for users to post feedback in the forum in a thread dedicated to <clipped message>
<DC-IRC> <catsmeat> each board? That would help maintainers collect information and help users feel confident that they're looking in the right place for information about how the latest version works on their board.
<juri_> We're trying to set up a CI system, that actually tests releases against some of the aging allwinner hardware here, but it's still in process.
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> https://www.armbian.com/mangopi-mq-pro/ There are no "final" images and this hardware has nobody that will be talking to you. Stop demanding and get a grip. All this is written in documentation and FAQ. "suitable for testing" means there is NO SUPPORT from Armbian team whatsoever, even there might be a maintainer listed. But we are helping you to find a peer support https://forum <clipped message>
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> .armbian.com/tags/mangopi-mq/ which is better then nothing. Images without support (work in progress/WIP = no end user support) have two possible final destination from our perspective - "support/platinum support" or end of support / EOS. When its supported its always best effort. Professional services are provided for customers only, not for John Doe downloading something from i <clipped message>
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> nternet. Maintainers, if they are active, pick up end users complains on forum, almost never on live chat and resolve only if they find time and have know-how.
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> juri_ this is new riscv64 hardware. that comes last, when we have everything else in perfect condition
<juri_> indeed. :)