<DC-IRC> <stamasd> well I'm trying to install a copy of ubuntu 22.04 Jammy in a chroot on my Funtoo machine, so I can compile Armbian. I'd prefer to do it this way with less overhead rather than a VM. So I installed debootstrap, made a link for Jammy (ln -s /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/gutsy /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/jammy) and then tried to install it in a folder in my home:
<DC-IRC> <stamasd> debootstrap --arch amd64 jammy ./ubuntu22 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/
<DC-IRC> <stamasd> It downloads the packages, but then when it tries to install them it errors out with:
<DC-IRC> <stamasd> I: Chosen extractor for .deb packages: dpkg-deb
<DC-IRC> <stamasd> I: Extracting base-files...
<DC-IRC> <stamasd> E: Tried to extract package, but file already exists. Exit...
<DC-IRC> <stamasd> And digging through logs, I see this:
<DC-IRC> <stamasd> "dpkg-deb: error: archive './/var/cache/apt/archives/base-files_12ubuntu4_amd64.deb' uses unknown compression for member 'control.tar.zst', giving up"
<DC-IRC> <stamasd> I do have zstd installed, I don't know why dpkg-deb doesn't use it.
<DC-IRC> <stamasd> So for now I'm stuck.
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> because dpkg needs to support it.
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> it isn't enough just to have it installed
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> I use this tarball which has zstd support to build Ubuntu Jammy and up on Debian Bullseye. Might be helpful to you? https://github.com/pyavitz/debian-image-builder/releases/tag/dpkg You could probs just download a more recent one though.
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> I use this tarball which has zstd support to debootstrap Ubuntu Jammy and up on Debian Bullseye. Might be helpful to you? https://github.com/pyavitz/debian-image-builder/releases/tag/dpkg You could probs just download a more recent one though.
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> Speaking of debootstrap... ```
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> Raspbian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) 6.1.35 #1 Mon Jun 26 15:20:36 EDT 2023 armv7l
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> Xunlong Orange Pi PC
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> == DISK
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> /dev/mmcblk0p1 30G 1.7G 27G 6% /
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> == NETWORK
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> Hostname: orangepipc
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> Wireless: wlan0 UP
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> == SYSTEM
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> Processor: Cortex-A7 @ 1368MHz 52°C
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> Cur freq: 1368MHz
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> Online: 0-3
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> Governor: performance
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> Memory: 992M 111M
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> Entropy: 256
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> Uptime: 21:44:50 up 5:05, 0 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> ``` Raspbian on a Orange Pi PC, why? Boredom.
<DC-IRC> <stamasd> not bad. I may give it a go. Rasp has some stuff that Armbian doesn't, like their libcamera2 which could be useful for a project of mine.
<DC-IRC> <stamasd> (and I'll try that tarball once I have some time again)
<DC-IRC> <stamasd> I get the exact same errors with that version of debootstrap
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> Hmm. Odd.
<DC-IRC> <stamasd> that script does create a directory structure in the target folder, most are symlinks to various parts of the base system. However, links to /usr/lib32 and /usr/libx32 are broken because those directories don't exist in Funtoo.
<DC-IRC> <stamasd> Funtoo is a "pure" 64bit distribution now with no 32-bit support
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> I don't know anything about that distro.
<DC-IRC> <stamasd> wait no, they're not symlinks to the base system but to themselves. Not to /usr/lib32 for instance, but to ./usr/lib32
<DC-IRC> <stamasd> odd
<DC-IRC> <stamasd> Funtoo is Gentoo basically, with multilib removed and with a better package management system
<DC-IRC> <stamasd> anyway, still getting the same errors and unable to proceed
<DC-IRC> <stamasd> the script creates thus an empty directory structure and then errors out with "compression method not supported"
<DC-IRC> <stamasd> oh well it looks like I can't avoid a VM
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> whats the version of debootstrap ur using?
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> Reviewing my script it looks like i update dpkg and debootstrap to build Jammy and up on Bullseye.
<DC-IRC> <stamasd> I tried 1.19.2 and 1.21.something
<DC-IRC> <stamasd> 1.21.2
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> the one I install is `debootstrap_1.0.126+nmu1_all.deb`
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> bookworm comes with `1.0.128+nmu2` and bullseye comes with `1.0.123+` which doesn't have zstd support.
<DC-IRC> <stamasd> yeah that's the one I tried above, didn't work. Version reported is 1.21.2
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> this is the dpkg version 1.21.2
<DC-IRC> <stamasd> Also how did you get raspios to boot on the OPiPC? I just tried it on mine and it doesn't boot.
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> anyway... sorry it didn't work out. those are the two files i updated.
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> I debootstrap'd raspbian.
<DC-IRC> <stamasd> ah 🙂
<DC-IRC> <stamasd> so goes back to the egg/chicken for me. 🙂
<DC-IRC> <stamasd> thanks for the help. I'll solve it somehow.
<DC-IRC> <Tonymac32> @rpardini is your patching checker running on Allwinner? Or would that melt down the entire Armbian infrastructure? 😉
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> Should work. sunxi has series.conf, but regular die/file patching should work as well.
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> Should work. sunxi has series.conf, but regular dir/file patching should work as well.
<DC-IRC> <Tonymac32> I could spend a year in here lost in the woods I think
<DC-IRC> <Tonymac32> example
<DC-IRC> <Tonymac32> version 6 or something vs v10 that got mainlined
<DC-IRC> <Tonymac32> those kind of things are *everywhere*
<DC-IRC> <Tonymac32> device trees being overwritten as well, and I've been looking for 5 minutes
<DC-IRC> <Tonymac32> the problem is, this is such a collosal clusterf that I'm afraid to touch anything
<DC-IRC> <stamasd> Hm I believe this is a problem.
<DC-IRC> <stamasd> can't finish building an image because of that. I tried several times, same error happens.