<DC-IRC> <dschndr> get another board and connect the serial between them, then you can look at the uboot output to figure out what it is doing while booting
<DC-IRC> <dschndr> iirc you will also need an sd card just for uboot which then scans all drives and continues to boot
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<DC-IRC> <dschndr> in case someone stumbles across the same issues: hw decode in mpv with lima gets a red tint (and some formats straight up get rejected by the mpv hw decode pipeline) after this commit https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv/pull/10496
<DC-IRC> <dschndr> apparently a lima driver bug...
<DC-IRC> <dschndr> ffmpeg 6 built with the libreelec patches works fine for decoding purposes (a custom package would be nice :D )
<DC-IRC> <dschndr> gstreamer might be an alternative to get proper hw acceleration but i haven't gotten it to work (yet)
<DC-IRC> <dschndr> sw decode with gpu rendering is "fast enough" tough for my usecase, adding some delay which is fine-ish
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<DC-IRC> <irish.warwolf> figured out that my boards do not on board memory. so its not an option
<DC-IRC> <dschndr> ? your sentence is missing some parts
<DC-IRC> <dschndr> „…do not have on board memory“
<DC-IRC> <dschndr> yes, probably (at least i don‘t see a flash chip)
<DC-IRC> <dschndr> What is not an option?
<DC-IRC> <dschndr> To see the bootup you can just plug in the board over the usbc port (if they wired it up correctly)
<DC-IRC> <irish.warwolf> sorry for the missing info got a bit of a headache and now dealing with an stm chip issue that is my fault cause i flashed it incorrectly
<DC-IRC> <irish.warwolf> there is no emmc on the btt pi, so once i reboot it after setting it up for usb drive it wont work.
<DC-IRC> <irish.warwolf> @dschndr sorry for the missing info got a bit of a headache and now dealing with an stm chip issue that is my fault cause i flashed it incorrectly
<DC-IRC> <irish.warwolf> i may have just ruined my controller cause i flashed it with the wrong crystal clock speed
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> if u-boot can see the usb ports, getting it to boot from there can be done using a boot script or in some cases hacking uboot. Usually using a boot script works well enough though.
<DC-IRC> <irish.warwolf> well its not gonna matter if i cant fix this flash issue with my STM32 board, i flashed it with the wrong clock speed. so now its not showing up when plugged in
<DC-IRC> <irish.warwolf> crystal clock speed*
<DC-IRC> <irish.warwolf> @c0rnelius77 well its not gonna matter if i cant fix this flash issue with my STM32 board, i flashed it with the wrong clock speed. so now its not showing up when plugged in
<DC-IRC> <dschndr> Replace crystal with a fitting one or reflash using stlink
<DC-IRC> <irish.warwolf> i dont know if its replaceable or better yet i prob dont know what im doing
<DC-IRC> <irish.warwolf> when it come to surface mount soldering
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<DC-IRC> <dschndr> Then its time for a st link :)
<DC-IRC> <dschndr> But please don’t get it in the pack with the bluepills, they are all bad/fake
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<DC-IRC> <irish.warwolf> i dont know what an st link is or how to use one, sorry for my ignorance, but im rather new to some of this deeper stuff. im a 3d printer guy and was playing around trying some new stuff and i missed that clock speed setting and the second i hit flash i realized i missed that but it was to late.
<DC-IRC> <irish.warwolf> @dschndr i dont know what an st link is or how to use one, sorry for my ignorance, but im rather new to some of this deeper stuff. im a 3d printer guy and was playing around trying some new stuff and i missed that clock speed setting and the second i hit flash i realized i missed that but it was to late.
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<DC-IRC> <irish.warwolf> ok well i got the computer to see it as an unknown device, dont know if i can do anything with that cause windows thinks its a malfunctioning device
<DC-IRC> <dschndr> it will see it like that because if the clock is misconfigured the usb block in the hw does not get the needed 42mhz? -> usb not working properly
<DC-IRC> <dschndr> an st link is an inexpensive debugger / flasher for those stm chips, you just need find the 2 swd pins of the mcu (most likely on some connector), plug it in and write the proper image to the chip (except if you managed to completely disable swd)
<DC-IRC> <irish.warwolf> @dschndr im gonna try stm32 cube programmer, do you have a link to a trusted st link, perferbly from amazon?
<DC-IRC> <dschndr> they are a bit of an lottery (but should work fine), if you want a 100% legit one there are the devkits from stm where you can break off the programmer
<DC-IRC> <irish.warwolf> ok
<DC-IRC> <irish.warwolf> thank you