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[yosys] whitequark closed issue #32: Please add examples on how to use this module yowasp openfpgaloader - https://github.com/YoWASP/yosys/issues/32
- remove differences between resource and window names which have been a thorn in our side for a long time (i introduced them a few years ago, without thinking it through)
I think the only contentious point in the above is regarding the ordering of strings and integers, but I think people may well come up with unusual uses for this functionality and we should watch how it's used before adding restrictions
re: `__repr__`, my concern is that resource paths are currently just tuples of names, and their repr would then be `(MemoryMap.Name(....), MemoryMap.Name(...), ...)`, which would be quite unreadable
so for each item in the resource tuple, that represents one particular MemoryMap?
I suspect that window names will be treated differently than resource names, eg ('video_core', 0, 'lut') may be mapped to video_core.lut[0] with a stride by the SVD builder, but ('axi', 0) will be just axi[0]
jfng[m]: that doesn't seem unreadable o me
re: empty tuples, this would be an alternative to the current proposal, where window names are optional and default to `None`
just going by the examples, (MemoryMap.Name('uart', 0), MemoryMap.Name('rx', 'config')) isn't bad at all
and I find the nested tuples actually a fair bit confusing
can we just call it Name?
re: ordering, this works if a BSP generator is capable of recognizing specific resource types. this should be as simple as a call to `isinstance()`, i guess
(in the __repr__)
re: empty tuples, I see what you mean now, I guess the two alternatives are "non-empty tuple or None" or "empty or non-empty tuple" and in the first alternative, constructing an empty MemoryMap.Name() is forbidden
tpw_rules: yeah, the rules for `__repr__` do allow that
I'm fine with it
tpw_rules: each item except the last item in a resource path represents a `MemoryMap`, indeed
hm, so for transparent memory maps, ideally they would not be visible in the resource path at all
so I think I prefer the non-empty-tuple-only and no path element corresponding to transparent maps
which I think might actually be what's being proposed in the RFC? it's unclear
it looks like the RFC doesn't explicitly call out transparent windows
is there a reason to consider joining all the names in a path together? that's how it was before iirc
tpw_rules: this will make them unusable
i guess suppose in amaranth you have a MemoryMap object and a name like ('video_core', 0, 'lut'), how would you access it
whitequark[cis]: yes, it is not explicitly specified because transparent windows aren't affected by the RFC
the BSP generator must know the distinction between window names and resource names
having a window called "uart" with a resource "rx",0 in it is not the same as having a resource "uart","rx",0
i prefer `None` instead of empty tuples: when a transparent window is added to a memory map, the two namespaces are merged together, so names that were local to the window may collide with names in the parent memory map
and you shouldn't put too much weight on "how it was before" because I never seriously considered how to write a BSP generator for the original design I came up with
so you know if it's a resource name because it's the last element in the path?
jfng[m]: yes, this sounds good to me
jfng[m]: and not having a name at all simplifies the collision detection algorithm
tpw_rules: yes
the reason a resource name is itself a tuple is to avoid requiring BSP generators to parse shit like uart.rx[0] which is horrifically error-prone and annoying
and which many vendor tools attempt to do and miserably fail at
[amaranth-lang/amaranth-lang.github.io] whitequark eff37c9 - Deploying to main from @ amaranth-lang/playground@8baaf5b7a99f8093ba2c16e6884512c72fc78cbf 🚀
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Hello! I've just started learning about hardware design, and am using Amaranth. Just wanted to say thanks for having so much excellent documentation :)
thank you lonjil!
I worked hard to write it, I'm glad you like it
Made it very easy to get started!
I will get a little ice40 board next week, but having fun simulating things for now.
does the lack of a tutorial bother you?
The getting started section was enough to make the guide easy to follow. A tutorial would be nice, but the guide has been enough for me so far. I may have other feedback later, of course.
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I read a bit of one of the linked tutorials, but it was outdated.
Though, presumably not so outdated that I wouldn't learn a lot from it.
The only thing I haven't seen anything about that's been on my mind, is simulating circuits in the context of a platform, such as the board I'm getting next week. Right now, I have some code that asks the platform for a 7 segment display, and then drives that display. Obviously that won't work if there is no platform (or the platform supplied doesn't have such a display)!
If there is no such option, I'll just have to refactor my code so I can test the logic without a platform, no biggie.
<lonjil[m]> "The getting started section..." <- oh, that's excellent to hear! I wrote the guide with the intent of not requiring any advanced preexisting knowledge, though it's light on general digital logic concepts
did you find that the order of introduction of Shape and Value was fine, or do you think it should be swapped? (I'm evaluating past feedback)
<lonjil[m]> "I read a bit of one of the..." <- yeah, these are still useful but they're getting increasingly bitrotten as years pass
I will learn how to write tutorials and write a first-party one, probably, this year, though no specific promises
lonjil[m]: > <@lonjil:matrix.org> The only thing I haven't seen anything about that's been on my mind, is simulating circuits in the context of a platform, such as the board I'm getting next week. Right now, I have some code that asks the platform for a 7 segment display, and then drives that display. Obviously that won't work if there is no platform (or the platform supplied doesn't have such a display)!
> If there is no such option, I'll just have to refactor my code so I can test the logic without a platform, no biggie.
for the longest time, we could not reasonably provide such functionality, for a variety of reasons but they boil down to "the design of various internal was immature or defective"
which is why you don't see it anywhere
since the 0.5 release that actually became possible though, and I'm going to think about it again--thank you for reminding me
whitequark[cis]: I didn't have any thoughts either which way. The introduction of shapes is quite short, so you're reading about values almost immediately anyway.
zyp[m] has joined #amaranth-lang
RFC #69 will be another step in the direction of platform simulation
yes, RFC 69 is one of the final missing pieces
(though you could reasonably make a SimulationPlatform that introduces SimulationPort as its implementation detail already, like Glasgow does)
whitequark[cis]: I'll have feedback on your WIPs when you write them :)
Catherine: the RGMII stuff you were doing a while back, is that all in glasgow#562?
And regarding platform simulation: I see, that makes sense. For now I'll refactor my code, or maybe dig into what Glasgow does and try that.
zyp: yes, eventually that will probably migrate to -stdio too
nice, I might borrow it and attempt getting it going at gigabit on ECP5
I once accidentally ran it at gigabit speeds on Glasgow
it didn't work but I vaguely remember the result being interesting
without DDR IO buffers, I guess you were getting every other nibble
[amaranth-lang/amaranth-lang.github.io] whitequark 4ad0adb - Deploying to main from @ amaranth-lang/rfcs@4709748646e93de14254b86d0907f768c8a2afeb 🚀
whitequark[cis]: are you around? i am trying out the new I/O system but i think there's still stuff that needs to be revamped behind platform.request
i have a board from amaranth-boards and it has a connector and i just want to hook buffers to the connector. is that possible yet?
that is unquestionably true
or do i still have to go through Resource and Pins?
no, you cannot hook things up to the connector, on purpose
(for the same reason you can't hook things up directly to an FPGA ball "A1" or something)
is there a way to have a resource with blank pins like you can in connectors?
in my PCB design for something that plugs into that GPIO connector i have the pins indexed according to that table, and i'd like to translate it into amaranth
you can't, since resources are intended for a logical view, not a physical view (connectors are the physical view)
but you can make each GPIO an individual resource, which is the only fully general solution anyway
nothing stops you from only having "gpio",5 and "gpio",7
and io.Buffers is supposed to be given the logical resource?
well, a logical port, which is a part of a port group, which is what requesting a resource by name gives you
okay, thank you. making them an individual resource is straightforward and makes sense. might also be able to make a resource for the object i'm trying to plug in
I don't actually currently plan on changing the resource/connector split, the main problem that I see is that (a) you can't use ports in simulation, (b) you can't create a port group yourself (it's an empty class so it's not a huge deal, but it's definitely a speed bump), and (c) there is nothing like wiring.signature for ports