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<galibert[m]> Depends if it's a comfortable ass ;)
<robtaylor> Catherine: maybe we should make a temp triggered alert to switch on your air con ;)
<whitequark> I think that's called an aircon thermostat...
<whitequark> actually, we do have openhab here that can turn a smart socket on and off
<robtaylor> Do you need to fiddle with the outlet pipe of can you leave that set up permanently?
<whitequark> it's set up permanently
<whitequark> it's just noisy
<robtaylor> Nice
<whitequark> which is why I don't leave it with the thermostat (that only controls the compressor)
<whitequark> I kidna want to hack it and put an ESP32 inside but that would mean not having an aircon, so...
<Allie> i have long wanted a decent smart-ish aircon for home use
<whitequark> however one of those 15 GBP smart sockets would just do the trick
<robtaylor> Yeah!
<Allie> whitequark: when i tried this previously, the AC didn't remember the settings when it was powered back on so it'd go into 25c *heating* mode
<Allie> which was very obnoxious
<whitequark> this one doesn't have heating (cheaper)
<robtaylor> Shame the thermostat isn’t configurable enough to just do it sensibly
<whitequark> lemme check if it turns on when you plug it in
<Allie> (one of my pet hates w/ portable AC units is the fact they often insist on putting a resistive heating coil on the output)
<whitequark> it seems to remember the settings when you cut the power, including "was it soft-powered on"
<whitequark> which is better than the previous unit we're returning for being insanely loud
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<FL4SHK> whitequark: I see, sorry about your health promotion
<FL4SHK> problem
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