whitequark changed the topic of #amaranth-lang to: Amaranth hardware definition language · weekly meetings on Mondays at 1700 UTC · code https://github.com/amaranth-lang · logs https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/amaranth-lang
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<FL4SHK> whitequark: sounds good
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<_whitenotifier-6> [amaranth] whitequark commented on issue #692: Remove the Migen compatibility layer - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth/issues/692#issuecomment-1625738625
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<whitequark> FL4SHK: it's been a heatwave here (since... uh, monday going by the logs) and it absolutely broke me
<whitequark> I don't even remember most of this week, heh
<galibert[m]> yeah, it's bad around here too
<whitequark> I finally regained enough consciousness to turn on an aircon, which has helped
<whitequark> now it's time to order a second and significantly larger one, for the living room
<whitequark> I might actually make an exception for "no work on weekends" rule to do some interfaces RFC work because I kind of want to use it myself, but no promises
<whitequark> galibert: fibromyalgia makes anything above 25 degrees centigrade feel like death
<whitequark> (it depends on the humidity but that's a good rule of thumb)
<whitequark> think, if it's 25, I probably feel like you would if it was 30
<whitequark> if it's 30... well
<cr1901> I was/am excited to use interfaces, but I realized I should go and work on other things in the interim rather than sitting on my ass doing nothing.
<cr1901> It's actually working out that you need more time b/c what I am working on is taking longer than I'd like (in other news, grass is green).
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