whitequark changed the topic of #amaranth-lang to: Amaranth hardware definition language · weekly meetings on Mondays at 1700 UTC · code https://github.com/amaranth-lang · logs https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/amaranth-lang
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<whitequark> yeah
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<fl4shk[m]> Catherine: can you let me know when you've pushed the implementation of the interfaces RFC?
<fl4shk[m]> I'll start integrating it into my library right away once you do that
<fl4shk[m]> btw, it looks great :)
<galibert[m]> She was thinking last Friday, so I'd plan for middle of next week, resonably
<fl4shk[m]> sounds good
<galibert[m]> s/resonably/reasonably/
<galibert[m]> Looks like she's decided to enjoy her week-ends lately, which is Good and Sane
<fl4shk[m]> agreed
<fl4shk[m]> though personally, coding is my enjoyment :)
<fl4shk[m]> I suppose I'm just a workaholic, maybe?
<fl4shk[m]> not so much when it comes to my day job
<fl4shk[m]> but I don't get to use Amaranth at my day job
<galibert[m]> well amaranth is her day job now
<fl4shk[m]> right
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<whitequark> <FL4SHK[m]> "though personally, coding is..." <- this also happens to me still
<whitequark> but if work projects count in that category, it opens you up to a fantastic degree of exploitation
<whitequark> i'm not currently in a position where that's a concern, but the memories of the past treatment soured it as a concept anyway
<fl4shk[m]> whitequark: gotcha
<whitequark> it's actually not that difficult to fix (for me) in an emotional sense, but fixing it requires being able to confidently assert that your time, and your projects, belong to you (not in a legal sense; in the same sense that you need to feel that e.g. your laptop's data or the contents of your apartment belong to you, or you'll keep having an extremely bad time every day)
<whitequark> 'cause like, your typical open source project has a moral equivalent of five to ten strangers going through your bedroom every day and criticizing interior decor unprompted
<fl4shk[m]> I see.
<whitequark> this is a problem endemic to open source but it's not inherently unfixable. you can run a project otherwise. unfortunately there are next to no examples of this being done so you don't have role models so you grow into the movement internalizing one of the two other options of dealing with outsiders who overstep their (nonexistent) authority: aggressive alienation, or fawning submission
<whitequark> i guess avoidance is also an option
<whitequark> i've done all three! pleased to report that they have minimal to no impact on time-to-burnout, but leave you with an extreme degree of anxiety and/or guilt in the end
<whitequark> anyway, i can make the assertion consciously and then i feel fine working on a project downstream of that assertion, but overriding more than a decade of experience takes enough effort that it's just not enjoyable in the end anyway
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<fl4shk[m]> finally got my new crossbar switch working
<fl4shk[m]> not a pipelined one mind you
<whitequark> nice
<fl4shk[m]> This is the one that I'd like to use as a submodule of my interconnect that has registered handshaking signals
<fl4shk[m]> I prefer to use a formally verified interconnect instead of Xilinx's AXI ones that have subtle bugs
<fl4shk[m]> that and I can actually test my code in FLOSS simulators this way
<fl4shk[m]> ...along with guaranteeing correctness
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