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<remiliascarlet> "CRUX-lite", when someone says "product lite", I think of something with "no sugar", but replaced with something even worse instead.
<remiliascarlet> About the driving on left or right thing, Macau and Hong Kong drive on the left too, I think this China/Macau border is pretty genius:
<remiliascarlet> Even though this road looks quite a lot like a penis with balls.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: You make me laugh some times
<dlcusa> As expected, USB is now providing OpenBSD where'ere it is booted, and I am very busy reading its man pages.
<dlcusa> Next get it to mount ext4 RO and run xz, preferably via tar tvJ, then I can see if the OpenBSD kernel fares no better on this box than Linux.
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<remiliascarlet> I saw a thread on UnitedBSD about HyperbolaBSD, everyone there believes it's a meme (and perhaps it is).
<remiliascarlet> I said previously that there's just no niche it's trying to fulfil other than trying to suck off Stallman's cock, every of the main 4 BSD's fulfil a specific niche, and do it well.
<remiliascarlet> What's more meme-like is that they even say that they forked this "totally proprietary" OpenBSD kernel and userland, and are rewriting it to GPL counterparts. So basically going from proprietary... to proprietary, but one that Stallman approves of.
<remiliascarlet> Leftist logic: they hate a certain person so much, they allow them to live rent free in their minds forever.
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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: When you cross over the bridge into Laos there is a traffic light and you change to the right
<remiliascarlet> The only place in Laos where you can legally drive on the left side.
<SiFuh> I don't think they drive legally at all in Laos
<remiliascarlet> Looks very interesting. Those beneath the bridge drive on the right, those on the bridge drive on the left.
<SiFuh> It's interesting because the steering wheel can either be on the left or the right. Kyrgyzstan is like that as well.
<remiliascarlet> Lots of import cars.
<SiFuh> Well terrorists love Toyotas
<remiliascarlet> Koreans who come to Japan by car typically have their steering wheels on the right.
<remiliascarlet> Correction: Koreans who come to Japan by car typically have their steering wheels on the left.
<remiliascarlet> Likewise, Japanese who go to Korea by car typically have their steering wheels on the right.
<remiliascarlet> Same with Hong Kong and "Chinur", Hong Kongers have it on the right, Chinese on the left.
<remiliascarlet> Yes, correct spelling is "China", it's just a joke on how the Chinese pronounce "China" in English.
<SiFuh> Looks like 1st of May jungle trip is a day trip only.
<remiliascarlet> Google fixes a security exploit with the PIN code on the lock screen... again!
<remiliascarlet> How many times did they have this exact same exploit by now?
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<lavaball> apparently they can't test for mrna or spike protein from the vaccine.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: So basically, we watching through Invidious was the best way of watching JewTube all along.
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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: That video of the boulders rolling accross the road is a good example why when rocks are falling off cliffs you should stand against the cliff face and not look up. If those cars moved to the right side as closely as possible the boulders would have just gone over their cars
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: That traffic light reminds me to those start/finish lines you often see in racing games.
<SiFuh> Yeah I thought so too
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<remiliascarlet> So it's cooming along.
<SiFuh> Yes, as you can see the webpage isn't updated yet
<remiliascarlet> Already have the first problem: "NFS Portmap: RPC: Port mapper failure - RPC: Unable to send"
<SiFuh> For what?
<remiliascarlet> Nevermind, turned out my pf.conf file was misconfigured.
<remiliascarlet> It works now.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet:
<remiliascarlet> Looks delicious.
<SiFuh> I wrote the script a while ago because I use to filezilla and beerman just dumped it without warning. Then chinarulezzz chucked a sissy fit and put it back and beerman exploded. Then chinarulezzz changed his name to FILEZILLA to piss beerman off. So in the end, I decided to just write my own script so I don't need to bother with filezilla
<SiFuh> You can change the URL to something closer like Japan instead of using CDN
<remiliascarlet> I know, and that caused me being unable to upgrade, because doesn't have 7.5 on their servers yet.
<SiFuh> Probably not fully complete yet either.
zorz has joined #crux-social
<remiliascarlet> And also figured out that not only FreeBSD, but OpenBSD too doesn't like the picom.conf file I imported from Linux.
<farkuhar> I wonder if Per would really approve of deleting pkgutils from core, considering how much work he put into it: cd pkgutils-5.40.10 && head -n 5 *.cc
<farkuhar> Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Per Liden
<SiFuh> I mentioned before, I wouldn't put it in core but because it is more CRUX than CRUX itself, I didn't chuck up a stink about it.
<farkuhar> Has anyone spoken with Per since the early 2000's? Maybe get a sense of what he thinks of the current direction CRUX is headed?
<SiFuh> Last I heard I thought he got a job working for Solaris or something.
<farkuhar> Before the Flyspray instance went offline, I kept revisiting this one comment by therealfun (paraphrasing here): "things go in the direction you point them. I see CRUX keeps adding complexity but removing none."
<farkuhar> therealfun was riffing on the observation that Arch PKGBUILDS had grown so much more complex after Aaron (or was it Judd?) took the reins. He warned CRUX against following down the same path.
<SiFuh> Per Lidén: So far I’ve used plain vanilla Linus-trees as the default kernel in CRUX. I’ve had thoughts about adding XFS and/or JFS, but I’ve decided to wait for the moment. I don’t really think the default kernel in CRUX is that important anyway. Since CRUX is targeted at “experienced Linux users” (whatever that means 😉 it is my belief that users themselves will download and apply the
<SiFuh> patches they want to use. Actually, I’d say that this is partly what CRUX is about. With its relatively small package collection, I expect users to download and compile their favourite programs, and tweak the system the way they like it.
<farkuhar> Only 4 hours to bootstrap an entire core build, on hardware from over twenty years ago? Must have been a very efficiently-coded core collection, or Per had access to cutting-edge hardware. The computers I used at the time would crawl to a standstill for at least 12 hours, when given such a bootstrapping job.
<farkuhar> A slimmed-down core collection in 2001 is the most plausible explanation for faster bootstrapping. Back then it wouldn't have included meson, ninja, python3, or linux-pam.
<zorz> farkuhar: do you really need meson, ninja, python3, or linux-pam in core? since it is gcc?
<zorz> make kernel.
<farkuhar> zorz: have you been following the discussion for the past few days? SiFuh tried to update an old CRUX installation and ran into issues because of linux-pam. Then he started complaining here about how bloated the core collection had become.
<zorz> okay I pass
<farkuhar> no, you fail
<SiFuh> farkuhar: 0.9.2 base
<farkuhar> [ meningococcal ~]> ... Another demonstration that hyphens are okay in the filename of an executable, but not in the name of a shell function. I conjectured that prt-get was named that way in order to prevent being masked by a shell function (at least if a user ran ~/.profile through shellcheck).
<farkuhar> devfsd, the forerunner of udev and eudev? Wow, that core collection is a trip down memory lane.
<SiFuh> 0.9.4
<SiFuh> They are here farkuhar:
<farkuhar> Those last-modified timestamps look suspicious. Why update crux-1.3 almost a year after crux-2.0 is released?
<SiFuh> Hehe
<SiFuh> If I was to take a wild stab at a guess, possibly data corruption around 2013 and sourced a new copy from another location
<farkuhar> Ah, the old bitrot excuse. That's probably also why the link to ppetrov^s CRUX review disappeared from the homepage recently.
<farkuhar> "He does the work you're not willing to do; that's why he gets the license to steer the distro wherever he wants it to go" (paraphrasing). But what if the reason we're not "willing to do" that work is because we prefer to keep bloatware off our systems (remiliascarlet's response to the "99% of software is unavailable on OpenBSD")? By taking this stand do the users effectively forfeit their voice on how the distro should
<farkuhar> evolve?
<SiFuh> Well you all so his attitude towards her opinions
<SiFuh> so/saw
<SiFuh> He called her a tin-foiled-hat wearer. Hahaha
<farkuhar> So basically, the first person who brings to CRUX an outlier appetite for new software, can turn around and accuse old-timers of not contributing enough (a convenient excuse for silencing their opinions)?
<SiFuh> Yes!
<farkuhar> dlcusa: you defended this behavior?
<dlcusa> I defended their ownership of what they produce and I thank them for their efforts. I do not defend their wrong-headed philosophies, only their right to them.
<dlcusa> And I vote with my feet.
<farkuhar> Granted, they own what they produce. But then the choice "not to produce" is cast in a poorer light than it ought to be. They get to frame it as "failing to contribute", rather than "resisting the adoption of bloated new software".
<dlcusa> The illogic should be obvious to all.
<farkuhar> I dunno, framing effects are powerful in today's short-attention-span world.
<dlcusa> If reasonable discussion with mutual respect is not possible, what can you do?
<SiFuh> Well, I didn't insult anyone what I was talking about how linux-PAM was bloatware. Didn't take long for people to jump in and insult me instead.
<dlcusa> There's no failure to contribute if you're producing a fork.
<SiFuh> Almost all of us have contributed. So saying that we contribute nothing is short-sighted and insulting.
<dlcusa> Again, when reason is not possible...
<dlcusa> Does anyone remember the birth of Funtoo and why?
<SiFuh> Well just because someone contributes daily, doesn't give them any right to abuse those who also have or are still contributing, but not enough when they compare their work load with yours.
<dlcusa> But you cannot compel them, only persuade them.
<SiFuh> Didn't get a chance. I put my opinion forward and then even the zero contributes jumped out of the wood work to scream abuse
<ppetrov^> SiFuh, you are relentless. In a way I truly admire you. :)
<zorz> farkuhar: Funtoo was created by Daniel Robbins, who was one of the original developers of Gentoo. The creation of Funtoo came about due to disagreements and arguments among Gentoo developers about the direction and management of the project. Robbins wanted more control over the project and its leadership, so he decided to fork Gentoo and create Funtoo as a more community-driven and transparent
<SiFuh> So apparently having an opinion is looked down upon in #crux now.
<zorz> alternative.
<SiFuh> zorz: basically beerman should fork CRUX :-P
<zorz> hahaha
<dlcusa> So put out CRUX-Lite and enjoy when it supersedes CRUX in mindshare.
<zorz> SiFuh: HAHA correct!
<SiFuh> Haha farkuhar and I were discussing names CRUX-Lite, CRUX-ng, CRUX-og
<dlcusa> Real CRUX.
<zorz> crux-cc
<zorz> crux-c99
<SiFuh> 'The Real CRUX' sounds cool
<farkuhar> Ortho-CRUX
<zorz> as you say The Real Housewifes :Ppp
<zorz> Orthodox!
<ppetrov^> OrthodoxCRUX
<SiFuh> CRUX Old Skool! We already have the package list. :-)
<farkuhar> Did Funtoo ever manage to overtake Gentoo in mindshare?
<farkuhar> Forks generally don't have a good track record of getting more name recognition than the original.
<SiFuh> I don't like the idea of how Funtoo came about because of what zorz posted the guy wanted more control. For CRUX I don't want any control. I want all decision making to be done by the useres and I just don't want junk in it.
<zorz> i like the first! CRUX99
<dlcusa> Sorry, I am called away again...
<SiFuh> "Actually, I’d say that this is partly what CRUX is about. With its relatively small package collection, I expect users to download and compile their favourite programs, and tweak the system the way they like it." -- Per Liden
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<ppetrov^> so, why blame beerman, then?
<SiFuh> Because he was the abusive taunting one
<zorz> ppetrov^: have you ever heard of casualties ? hahaha
<SiFuh> And I already discussed it with jaeger as well
<zorz> best English word... casualties.... not in greek.
<zorz> slackware put it in 2020
<ppetrov^> zorz, Slackware opposed pam for many years
<zorz> maybe is good to find, an old version of slack pam free.
<ppetrov^> when I started using it, Pat dropped GNOME, so I switched to Dropline Gnome for Slackware. There was a huge discussion, a never ending one, about Dropline adding PAM
<ppetrov^> i do not even know what exactly PAM does, so I do not care whether it's in CRUX's core or in Slackware
<zorz> /etc/passwd
<zorz> /etc/adduser
<SiFuh> I find it funny that the same people pushing and defending PAM are the usually the same who have a beef about systemd
<zorz> plugable authenticating device
<ppetrov^> ah, systemd. What's next to bitch about? Pulseaudio?
<ppetrov^> thanks zorz
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: Pulesaudio isn't in core though and if it was, I'd fucking hit the roof. hahaha
<zorz> they needed pam for enviroments like xfce kde,,,, but now seatd gives seat daemon.
<zorz> actually, on my linux, i do not have systemd, pam, policykit etc etc. i do my work with sysvinit, seatd and udevil. I am better.
<SiFuh> zorz: Funny how your slackware article says PAM is safe now. Yet there have been a few PAM vulnerabilites since 2020
<zorz> its not mine article.
<zorz> i am saying that even slack.... introduced pam.
<SiFuh> Slackware doesn't even care about systemd. They just remain neutral on it
<zorz> redhat is the evil
<SiFuh> A lot of the people who develop linux-PAM also develop systemd
<zorz> redhat
<zorz> man... if you wanna hack... just study systemd. its enough... time systemd dns sytemd pam systemd systemd is the problem.
<SiFuh> Tim Bierman is known for Pearl Jam: Gigaton Theater Experience (2020), Pearl Jam: Dance of the Clairvoyants (Mach III) (2020) and Pearl Jam: Dance of the Clairvoyants (Mach II) (2020).
<SiFuh> Tim Bierman is known for Pearl Jam: Gigaton Theater Experience (2020), Pearl Jam: Dance of the Clairvoyants (Mach III) (2020) and Pearl Jam: Dance of the Clairvoyants (Mach II) (2020).
<SiFuh> Ooops
<SiFuh> zorz: Gold hit 2,300
<zorz> get ready for war.
<zorz> get ready for crypto collapse.... check silver.
<SiFuh> No
<zorz> this fucking banker sciff is right!
<zorz> now, on the topic, SiFuh is right core linux installation should be a working colsole with internet connection
<zorz> all the rest is opt or extra name it as you like.
<SiFuh> zorz: Did you get my script?
<zorz> SiFuh: can you change dpaste not to post .txt ? :Pp
<SiFuh> No
<SiFuh> Why can't you?
<SiFuh> Let me guess, you need the pretty colours so you can understand it?
<serpente> zorz: i run a slack64 15.0 multilib on my lap and was able to remove pam, but it requires a bit of work, have to recompile some stuff and lock some updates
<zorz> no as txt, the link opens directly in vim and gives me a line carriage.
<zorz> so i have to do extra work go to
<SiFuh> Is that why you spam us without .txt ?
<zorz> HAHA
<zorz> NO i do not spam without txt i just followed the instructions
<SiFuh> No you spam without .txt because you are lazy to post it raw
<zorz> SiFuh: I followed this
<zorz> yes SiFuh I spam with cat usually
<zorz> basically any output pipes in this alias.
<SiFuh> curl -L |more
<zorz> your scriptcorrect another way
<zorz> i do not installed more
<zorz> never used so far.
<zorz> SiFuh: you have the ports? you created ports dir?
<SiFuh> I download everything. I put on an external drive later. That way if I have no internet I can still have full access to all the ports
<zorz> I see preparing for jungle / war i scoming :P
<SiFuh> That way if there is an apocalyspe, I still can install OpenBSD
<zorz> fuck is great script
<zorz> SiFuh: why bash and not ksh ?
<SiFuh> Because I originally wrote it on CRUX
<zorz> serpente: i think deserves the work to be pam free. since now you can use libseat.
lavaball has joined #crux-social
<zorz> i did not install bash on obsd.
<SiFuh> /usr/local/bin/bash
<zorz> and if i did not need emacs for manipulating html pages... i would have uninstalled them. with emcas-gtk i have bonus tree-sitter(rust) and xdg-utils(xdg-open) fuck shake.
<zorz> ./exec which bash
<SiFuh> fuck shake? HAHAHA
<zorz> 22:08:44 which: bash: Command not found.
<SiFuh> cat /etc/shells |grep bash
<SiFuh> You know it isn;t 'shake' right?
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> yes
<SiFuh> It's "For fuck's sake"
<zorz> zorz:zorz:7$ cat /etc/shells |grep bash
<zorz> zorz:zorz:8$
<zorz> see my promt... i did this PROMPT='$USER:$(basename "$PWD"):!$ '
<zorz> basename, so i do not get the full path of pwd.
<SiFuh> PS1="[$(tput setaf 6) \h \w $(tput sgr0)]> "
<zorz> what is this jiu jitsu ?
<zorz> :Pp
<SiFuh> Try it
<zorz> wait to export in a term
<SiFuh> No need, just paste it direct and hit enter
<zorz> zorz:zorz:2$ export PS1="[$(tput setaf 6) \h \w $(tput sgr0)]> "
<zorz> [ box ~ ]> ls
<zorz> Desktop/ code_toprices.sql libera.pem movies/ pictures/ sif-crontab.txt v2rocket/
<zorz> Downloads/ crux.txt linux-awk.txt node_modules/ rocket/ sifu-php.txt test/ v3scrap/
<zorz> bakup/ csv/* obsd/ scrap/ sifu2dig.txt tools/ vdata/
<zorz> code/ documents/ localports/ package.json server/ sifuh-irs.txt usb/
<zorz> [ box ~ ]> cd scrap/
<zorz> [ box ~/scrap ]>
<zorz> oooo sexy :)
<zorz> sensei SiFuh you wrote.
<SiFuh> oooo spam
<SiFuh> You have a lot of SiFuh stuff in your messy home directory
<zorz> wait to put is in /etc/kshrc
<SiFuh> ~/.profile
<SiFuh> PS1="[$(tput setaf 1) \h \w $(tput sgr0)]> "
<zorz> i source the /etc/kshrc in ~/.kshrc
<SiFuh> I use this one for root
<zorz> done
<zorz> ?
<zorz> which one for root ?
<SiFuh> PS1="[$(tput setaf 1) \h \w $(tput sgr0)]> "
<zorz> when i source the original /etc/kshrc i like the p p+enter.
<zorz> it rocks.
<zorz> [ box ~ ]> p
<zorz> 1000 45365 1068 0 3 0 1180 944 ttyin I+p p0 0:00.01 -ksh (ks
<zorz> 1000 48470 40109 0 18 0 1372 988 sigsusp Ip p1 0:00.01 -ksh (ks
<zorz> 1000 5678 48470 0 2 0 9992 15984 kqread S+ p1 0:07.55 irssi
<zorz> 1000 96723 46792 0 3 0 1308 956 ttyin I+p p2 0:00.01 -ksh (ks
<zorz> 1000 17761 90863 0 3 0 1372 984 ttyin I+p p3 0:00.04 -ksh (ks
<zorz> 1000 48462 92933 0 3 0 1180 948 ttyin I+p p4 0:00.01 -ksh (ks
<zorz> 1000 55065 70300 26 18 0 1180 956 sigsusp Sp p5 0:00.01 -ksh (ks
<zorz> 1000 99813 55065 26 54 0 1608 1236 - R+pU/1 p5 0:00.00 ps -l
<zorz> [ box ~ ]>
<SiFuh> Spammer
<zorz> bann!!!
<zorz> bannhof strase!
<zorz> haha
<zorz> so many linux distro.... nobody thought adding something like this in .bashrc
<zorz> fuck me... usellesss all
<zorz> and they want rust!
<SiFuh> 03:30 and still can't have a cold shower. Water is coming out warm still
<zorz> ooo god....
<zorz> ps -l nobody.
<zorz> SiFuh: when is winter over there like in Australia? or no winter ?
<SiFuh> No winter here
<SiFuh> We have basically two wet seasons and two fscking hot seasons
<SiFuh> The sun passes over the equator twice and since we are right near the equator it passes over us twice.
<zorz> nooooo
<zorz> nooo good
<SiFuh> I don't mind the heat. I just hate the sweat
<zorz> reduce beers - reduce sweat
<SiFuh> You lift your arm and suddenly you are sweating profusely because you did too much work in the heat. HAHAHA
<zorz> HAHAHA
<SiFuh> reduce beers then I need to replace it with water or my kidneys will end up dealing with glue
<SiFuh> One of the guys I know here can't even sweat at all.
<SiFuh> His skin becomes super itchy and flakes off when it is too hot. It's horrible
<zorz> poor guy
<SiFuh> He looks like that Malay guy who was advertising the COVID-19 injection.
<zorz> a friend of mine today, 62 years of age, mathematician came to see openbsd. he is from the first slackware users.
<zorz> now he abandoned coding,,, but he was curious to see openbsd. i gave him the laptop and he played.
<zorz> he was shocked.
<SiFuh> because it wasn't slackware!
<zorz> no he runs windows NT hahaha
<zorz> php admin, sql
<zorz> but he was impressed.
<SiFuh> Anyone using NT would be impressed
<zorz> yes he still works on NT... has a laptop with windows when not home. but his home office is NT.
<SiFuh> Works on rebooting it all the time?
<zorz> they did not know greeks
<zorz> greeks are fucking racists
<zorz> greeks are like israel
<zorz> if you speak with a greek he will tell you my enemy is israel... do not look now that they work together because of islam.
<zorz> greeks & israelis cooperate because of islam... other wise they are the worst enemies :)))
<SiFuh> Falafel is a deep-fried ball or patty-shaped fritter of Egyptian origin, featuring in Middle Eastern cuisine, particularly Levantine cuisines, and is made from broad beans, ground chickpeas, or both. Falafel is often served in a pita, samoon, laffa, or wrapped in a flatbread known as taboon; "falafel" also frequently refers to a wrapped sandwich that is prepared in this way.
<zorz> i dont like falafel
<SiFuh> zorz: I met a Greek man once. I asked him for directions and he said he doesn't know. So I thanked him and he replied "For fucking what?"
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> at least he said i do not know... i hate people that try to know when they do not know....
<zorz> <--- how is this guy ?
<zorz> never heard of him
<SiFuh> Kalergi Plan is not a guy
<SiFuh> It's a plan to exterminate the white race by mix breading them out of existence
<zorz> Austrian Japanese.... I see royalties.
<SiFuh> This is the Kalergi Plan
<zorz> ok
<zorz> okay
<zorz> melting pot ?
<SiFuh> As I said the other day. The elites that rule over us are to be pure bloods (Basicaly incest white people) and the rest of the world will be mixed blooded slaves
<zorz> fuck the system, fuck the elites.
<SiFuh> They are just old people with money
<zorz> this elites, at the end will help islam to destroy israel
<SiFuh> Ever notice that racism was not an issue for a long time in the US until Barak Obama came on the scenes?
<zorz> never thought of that
<zorz> it is true
<SiFuh> zorz: Ever seen this?
<zorz> wait
<zorz> to check
<zorz> SiFuh: noon i had 12 beers
<zorz> 12 chilled kaizer
<zorz> kaizer is a nice name for distro
<zorz> king!
<zorz> kaiser
<zorz> the apple!
<zorz> 23:12:24 : #openbsd : RobbieAB : Also, I would probably rate bash as a relatively light dependency in the grand scheme of things.
<zorz> 23:13:29 : #openbsd : sibiria : can bash statically link with libc these days?
<zorz> 23:17:43 : #openbsd : uwharrie :
<zorz> kiss linux again.
<zorz> SiFuh: do you know hair ? ppetrov^ knows her :)
<zorz> what a fuck with obama
<zorz> she said that in 1989
<SiFuh> Dude, we are alrady up to season 20 of Ancient Aliens
<zorz> first time i see ancient aliens.
<zorz> dude the PS1 is amazing... thanx
<ppetrov^> ah, vanga
<SiFuh> Yes, apparently she could access information using her pineal gland. Rumor has it that she was able to see Akashic records
<SiFuh> Well parts of the Akashic records
<ppetrov^> i'm not the type to believe in that crap, sorry. When I was a child, she was of course very popular
<ppetrov^> her 'prophecies' were so vague that one could interpret them in many different ways and you'd always "find something" if you wanted
<SiFuh> Sounds like you are talking about horoscopes ;-)
<zorz> :)
<zorz> ppetrov^: :)
<ppetrov^> exactly
<ppetrov^> vanga this, vanga that...
<ppetrov^> give me a break...
<zorz> we had a similar priest in greece.... oo god.
<ppetrov^> the 90s were full of paranormal activities, people with extra sence, etc
<ppetrov^> i can assure you zorz very few people take them "prophecies" seriously nowadays
<SiFuh> I had a lady who use to write horoscopes for the newspaper. She said they are bullshit. We just learn to write things that everyone feels they are, thinks they are, and throw in a few 'may's as in (You may find true love) and she said you can swap the any horoscope with another and you will find something in it that is definitley you.
<zorz> SiFuh: dune2 only ts ?
<SiFuh> 04:48 and already 25 Celsius
<zorz> from now temp goes up?
<ppetrov^> it's -10 here
<ppetrov^> :P
<SiFuh> zorz: Yeah
<zorz> fuck,,,,
<SiFuh> Dune 2 is only cam versions
<SiFuh> zorz: Sun doesn't even rise yet
<zorz> i just found one greek.. i ll give it a try
<zorz> man this is not good. too tropical
<SiFuh> Sun should rise around 07:09
<zorz> put the eggs on the cement for breakfast
<SiFuh> Our shortest day will be 21 december (11 hours 55 mins 15 sec) and longest day will be 21 june (12 hours 19 mins 15 sec). Take that flat Earth morons!
<SiFuh> Shortest day in Hobart will be 20 june (9 hours 0 mins 44 sec) and the longest will be 21 december (15 hours 20 mins 53 sec)
<zorz> SiFuh: i do not know if this comforts you but, for the last 5 days did not use the fireplace.
<zorz> haha starts getting worms in greece aswell, now its 6 degrees.
<SiFuh> Moscow will be 21 december (6 hours 59 mins 50 sec) and 20 june (17 hours 33 mins 31 sec)
<zorz> summer time sleeping in moscow is day from 4am
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