azonenberg changed the topic of ##openfpga to: Open source tools for FPGAs, CPLDs, etc. Silicon RE, bitfile RE, synthesis, place-and-route, and JTAG are all on topic. Channel logs:
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<pie_> Re: Im currently rushing a grant application
<pie_> good open source fpga (beginner) dev board?
<somlo> pie_: lambdaconcept ecpix5 (the 85k version) ?
<somlo> you can build bitstream for it with 100% free tools (yosys/trellis/nextpnr)
<somlo> and it's large enough to fit a litex+rocketchip 64bit fedora capable computer :)
<somlo> in the EUR 200-300 range, IIRC (it's been a while, so not 100% sure I remember that part correctly)
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<Flea86> pie_: ULX3S is also an option
<pie_> Ah well thanks, ran out of time lol. Probably wont go anywhere but I didnt get the fpga into the list anyway.
<Flea86> pie_: Best of luck :)
<pie_> Flea86: turns out it might have been futile anyway, im not sure what the idea is but the pdf writing all the stuff about the grant didnt have a requiremet in it that the grant application form did
<pie_> i dont know what the idea is with that but i might have spent a lot of time on this for a requirement i wouldnt have been able to fulfill anyway
<pie_> but like...youre supposed to make requirement like that _visible_...
<Flea86> pie_: I see. Just get the bare minimum that you need. For many years, I peddled about in my ee hobby using a 10MHz Analog scope, Meterman DMM and Hakko-clone hot air station. Should have bought a 100MHz scope when I needed it, though..
<pie_> hehe
<Flea86> I think I paid maybe $150 for that scope in 1992. Repairing it without a scope to help diagnose the problem was fun.
<Flea86> when it's HT supply apparently crapped the bed
<somlo> having written a very small number of grant applications, I can confidently say I thoroughly dislike *everything* about the whole thing :D
<somlo> gave up on the idea of an academic career as soon as I realized that's the one and only evaluation criterion for success :D