azonenberg changed the topic of ##openfpga to: Open source tools for FPGAs, CPLDs, etc. Silicon RE, bitfile RE, synthesis, place-and-route, and JTAG are all on topic. Channel logs:
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<pie_> I just horribly desoldered a rj45 socket from a mobo and a basic dumb continuits tester says there is a connection between 3x 2pairs of pins
<pie_> did i leave a crapton of solder bridges, if i didnt totally burn the whole thing to begin with, or is there something that would fool the tester
<pie_> ok it looks like its the differential pairs
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<pie_> I cant believe this worked but I did manage to desolder it and it didnt die and is connected to the network
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<pie_> ok so ethtool says the adapter should be able to do gigabit but its only going at 100Mb, on a gigabit switch
<pie_> so I guess my shoddy work did at least decrease the signal integrity?
<Flea86> pie_: Depends. What does your shoddy work look like? :>
<Flea86> pie_: Sounds like a transmission pair may be down to me
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<pie_> Flea86: its listed as full duplex, does that mean both pairs work?
<pie_> I didnt actually check yet what each cable does
<pie_> i already taped the thing up so its a bit more mechanically reliable but i do have some video where you can see *some* of the soldering, one sec
<pie_> ok well not a whole lot actually because its a side view
<pie_> also i left the area exposed to high temperatures for probably too long because i was trying to figure out how to desolder
<pie_> also I may have done a bad job with the toolless patch thingy. I only found the instructions after id kludged it
<pie_> a relatively visible view at 16 seconds
<pie_> the brown stuff is rosin used as flux
<pie_> - residue
<Flea86> pie_: I see. Well, not only do you need all four pairs to be good, they need to be in the correct order with respect to the other connected end i.e. straight through or crossover configuration (or else auto-MDIX won't work, I think). Also, assuming you're BASE-T mode (and not TX), then all four pairs are used for transmit and receive at the same time using a process known as echo cancellation. See:
<Flea86> iring/
<Flea86> oh, looks like your hacked cable isn't feeding all four pairs through that inline coupler in your setup?? That will definitely cause it to fallback to 100Mbit mode :D
<Flea86> Make sure that it is feeding all four pairs to the other node
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