Maja changed the topic of ##bash-crimes to: we bash back | club of folks preoccupied in whether they could, not whether they should | logs
<JAA> > i have the idea of rewriting it with a JIT that converts 6502 asm to efficient shell script
<JAA> lol
<JAA> (I don't know much about the 6502, but this sounds appropriately masochistic.
<JAA> )
<JAA> But neat!
<isabella> It's what my brainfuck compiler does
<isabella> After the other optimisations, the final pass is jitting to bash and calling eval
<isabella> It's much faster than basically any alternative I've tried
whitequark[cis] has joined ##bash-crimes
<whitequark[cis]> or to efficient x86
<whitequark[cis]> bash tcg
dakkar has joined ##bash-crimes
<isabella> a few weeks ago someone here said something about jitting to /proc/$$/mem
<isabella> it's kind of a cool idea tbh
<isabella> it's not even *that* much more cursed than
<isabella> but freaking linux 6.11 broke it because all fun things are illegal in the corporate world
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<JAA> :-(