Maja changed the topic of ##bash-crimes to: we bash back | club of folks preoccupied in whether they could, not whether they should | logs
<sdomi> cve: tell me about it! what curses did you create
<cve> sdomi: not a curse actually today, I am currently toying with writing a PBX from scratch in Rust, implementing SIP, SDP and RTP :3
<sdomi> ohhh, sounds like a lot of pain
<sdomi> good luck
<cve> the goal is to have a phone in the hackspace that automatically rings another phone at a room that is sort of remote
<cve> and I don't want to read the asterisk docs
<sdomi> *are you sure*
<cve> yes
<cve> famous last words
<cve> :D
<sdomi> getting things to interop, especially with phones, will be a lot of pain
<cve> probably, yes :S
<sdomi> regardless... if you change your mind, feel free to hmu with asterisk questions, I wasted enough afternoons reading docs to be able to configure it now XD
<cve> alright xD
<cve> I generally tend to get more dopamine from reading RFCs and implementing it myself, rather than reading docs of existing software
<jn> i have seen multithreaded telephony stacks written in C. the utter horror.