Maja changed the topic of ##bash-crimes to: we bash back | club of folks preoccupied in whether they could, not whether they should | logs
<isabella> I'm so depressed
<isabella> I wrote a small game prototype in bash a while ago and I figured I'd check how much work it would take to get a web version working with one of the ai things
<isabella> Turns out: not very much
<isabella> It's already much prettier than my prototype that ran in a terminal and I did so little work and I don't know the first thing about web dev
<isabella> I didn't even give my bash code to the bot, I just talked to it
<isabella> And fixed very minor issues
<isabella> And like, it's not exactly rocket science but afaik it's a new thing, it's not a fizzbuzz or a pong or a flappy bird that you can find in 30000 repos on GitHub
<isabella> So it all worked and I'm sad
<sdomi> well
<sdomi> i'm doing everything raw. no LLMs in sight. I consider them to be a disgrace to everything I stand for
<sdomi> but you do you
<isabella> Yes I get it but I don't care for web things so I figured it was whatever
<isabella> But ultimately my problem is that I had planned to be able to put food on the table and eventually pay off my mortgage by working on computers
<isabella> It would have been cool
<isabella> Then the bad computers arrived and ruined it
<isabella> I'm going to open a bakery
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