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Maja: re: arr; perhaps more surprising is that you can use expansions of the same array you're defining: arr=(foo bar [0]+=baz [0]=${arr[0]:1}); declare -p arr
this fucks and I need to abuse it
that `${arr[0]}` is accessing the value of `arr` from before the assignment, right?
with replacement expansions (i.e. `a=${b:-something}`) one could even treat this as a chain of really crude logic
`unset arr;arr=(foo bar [0]+=baz [0]=${arr[0]:1}); declare -p arr` → `declare -a arr=([0]="" [1]="bar")`
dakkar: awh indeed
once again my bad
it's "just" because using a name as an array *makes it* refer to an array
it's not as magical/evil as we could have liked 😁
from less insane things: this mixed syntax can be used for some cool things, like sparse arrays
$ unset arr; arr=([0x7fff]='' a b c); declare -p arr
declare -a arr=([32767]="" [32768]="a" [32769]="b" [32770]="c"
~~i'm using this in my NES emulator to read out the ROM into the proper address space~~
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you have a NES emulator in bash?
$ time for i in {1..1660000}; do :; done
real 1.187 user 1.139 sys 0.048
doesn't seem too bad
you'll just have to play at 1 fps :3
well or you could write a JIT in bash
yeah you can do it as long as you offload the bulk of the runtime to anything other than bash code
dd of=/proc/self/mem is just there ;p
that opens dd's memory >.>
oh wait, right
needs some tweaking
simplest solution is probably dd ... > /proc/self/mem because in that case the self symlink should be resolved in bash because bash opens the file
(i've done something similar before, but i forgot the exact incantation that works)
`/proc/$$/mem` ?
dakkar: thanks, i forgot the name of that variable
jn_ is now known as jn
btw jn are you jneen or a different jn
someone else, pretty sure (i've never seen that name)
ah, fair enough. she's absolutely the type to perpetrate programming language crimes...
concept: what if we made a spiritual successor to wiki.bash-hackers.org
would anyone be up for helping with that
whitequark[cis]: isabella: yes, actually! a really slow one
i have most of the cpu emulation done and some PPU for graphics
it renders sprites from some test roms
thank you, that's what i strive for :3
coming back to the wiki concecpt - i'd backport what was on bash-hackers, then we could add some cool curated hacks
need to check what license the old wiki is at..