Maja changed the topic of ##bash-crimes to: we bash back | club of folks preoccupied in whether they could, not whether they should | logs
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dermoth has joined ##bash-crimes
<cve> is it just me or does the /who list feels like it has doubled in its size within a week or so? :^)
duckl1ng_ has joined ##bash-crimes
duckl1ng_ is now known as duckl1ng
<dermoth> cve, For the last couple days I suspect due to (and tooted about their awesome license....)
f[x] has joined ##bash-crimes
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f[x] has joined ##bash-crimes
<cve> oh nice! the license looks cool :)
<cve> <-- kinda give me vibes of this one, although it is an illiberal license
<misentropy> sorry to interrupt but the WTFPL is the best public license of all time
<misentropy> ALL TIME
<jn> the NWSL is at least a close second, though
<misentropy> :)
Guest88 has joined ##bash-crimes
<Guest88> yo
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