Maja changed the topic of ##bash-crimes to: we bash back | club of folks preoccupied in whether they could, not whether they should | logs
cryne has joined ##bash-crimes
<Maja> gniotek wybuchł w salonie
whitequark_ has joined ##bash-crimes
<whitequark_> good job mei
<whitequark_> it's very upsetting
<whitequark_> thanks :3
<whitequark_> (... huh, i'm logging the channel? must have been something i set up and then completely forgot about it)
<sdomi> whitequark_: i think we explicitly asked you to do so a while back :)
<whitequark_> i am sure of it but i have no memory of that
<whitequark_> it's fine, there's an email archived for it
<whitequark_> or something
<whitequark_> hmu if you want a matrix bridge, free of charge
<sdomi> hmmmmmmm, maybe? for one, i would be happy to see more traffic here
<sdomi> (read as: yes please)
mwk has joined ##bash-crimes
<Maja> whitequark_: sure, we'd gladly accept a matrix bridge as well. seems like even among cursed computing enthusiasts, IRC isn't *too* popular
<whitequark_> noted! i'll set it up whenever i remember. which may be never. please poke me if i forget
misentropy has joined ##bash-crimes
alicejustplaying has joined ##bash-crimes
archpc has joined ##bash-crimes
<alicejustplaying> im currently working thru the code of bashfuck and its completely demented. good job Maja