Maja changed the topic of ##bash-crimes to: we bash back | club of folks preoccupied in whether they could, not whether they should | logs
<jn> /ban shellcheck
<famfo> I don't want to know shellcheck's opinion on the servfail interface :')
<famfo> doing some writing set -xeu quickly turned to set -xu and later to just set -x
<sdomi> shellcheck fucking sucks, man
<sdomi> it's not like cargo clippy where it is kinda sorta good, actually
<sdomi> i remember launching it on a few of my scripts once. i refuse to use a piece of software that complains about me doing parameter splitting in a place where I do it on purpose
<cve> I've used it a few times to make CI happy
<cve> but these projects were not shellscripts, they merely used bash for maint purposes
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* cve gets rid of Quassel by using Halloy as her new client and pounce as her new bouncer :3
<cve> pounce has a `:3` in its default away message, if that's not a selling point ...
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