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<Maja> sdomi: gah, you've nerdsniped me
<Maja> first of all, we have variables, we can call them _, __, ___, and so on
<Maja> now, it'd be useful to get a known string with letters inside so we can collect them, jsfuck style
<Maja> one idea I have is a="$(/ 2>&1)" to get "bash: /: Is a directory"
<Maja> (i'm using $a because counting underscores is annoying and getting rid of that at the end is trivial)
<Maja> of course this uses digits and using digits is for suckers
<Maja> we can get rid of the 1 with a=,;b=${#a} and then awawa="$(/ 2>&$b)"
<Maja> unfortunately variables seemingly can't be used where the 2 is
<Maja> now, the other option would be to use the &>... redirection syntax
<Maja> but that doesn't seem to support redirecting to a file descriptor
<sdomi> Maja: <3
<Maja> sdomi: my current concept is doing /&>._. and then awawa="$(<._.)" but that fails if $PWD is not writable