Anyone has an idea what could be the root cause ??
Tried reinstalling python and all libs and regenerating the packages etc, everything should be on sync about that (Archlinux system)... to not avail
Adrien[m]: your message was way too long, and did not make it to IRC.
ah, sorry. I'll resubmit with shorter lines.
So, I have a question related to prjxray's tool fasm2frames
The optimized fasm parser is based on some antlr4 lib that has python bindings. I would like to use it. But it fails :
/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/fasm/parser/__init__.py:30: RuntimeWarning: Unable to import fast Antlr4 parser implementation.
ImportError: cannot import name tags
Falling back to the much slower pure Python textX based parser implementation.
whitequark[cis] has joined #yosys
juri_: (didn't you get a link to the full message? or do you just not want to click it)
(I'm the provider of the bridge so if it's broken I'd like to understand how)
whitequark[cis]: I did, and i did not want to click away.
(btw thank you Catherine for your archive of irc logs, super useful :-) )
you're welcome!
Is there a bridge for #f4pga too ?
no, but if the ops want me to set one up i can do that
So I've a submission deadline this WE for a paper where I make of the tools Yosys-nextpnr-prjxray
This fasm parser issue makes the tool killed because out of memory, hence importance of the optimized parser
I'll take any remotely useful suggestion to try to make this python tool fasm2frames condescend to load the underlying antlr4 lib !
emeb_mac has joined #yosys
I can't find where tags is supposed to come from
Need to setup swap space on disk to run the supposedly signoff tool fasm2frames...
How ridiculous :D
yeah, prjxray is a bit of a mess, to say the least
I don't know quite how they managed to make fasm parsing the least efficient step of the process
i don't know how much any of this is being actively worked on anymore, either, unfortunately
maybe there's a better trick to generating bitstreams that I never figured out, idk