whitequark: just tried top-of-tree on m68k.v, it's not entirely working but it's close. I'll try to find out what's going on (looks like it's trying to do a memory read, which is good, but never sets as/uds/lds)
oh sweet!
did you ever get it working before? (is this a regression?)
it's a progression :-)
try using `write_cxxrtl -nohierarchy`
there was the issue with the array of clocks, dunno if the PR has been taken into account (not a PR by me)
it has been
compiling lalala
(it generates a *big* c++ file :-)
sure does
I'm always amused at having to raise the bracket-depth
no visible change
ah, so not that then
please let me know what the issue is!
yeah, when I find it :-)
but I shall
mewt has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
funnily enough, a lot more stuff happens when you actually raise (disable) the HALTn pin
there's a fair chance the 68k actually works
I wouldn't have guessed that the halt pin halted on the next memory access
and not immediately
the 68k does 5 micro-ops at reset before starting to read the vectors
ok, not only the 68k is working, but it's executing a stream of nops at roughly 200KHz on my laptop
is that good?
well, you tell me, but for that level of emulation I suspect it is
1/400th of real time for a typical 8MHz 68k
1/40th of real time for a typical 8MHz 68k
stop the zero inflation :-)
seems like there are feedback arcs
plan to do a nmigen version at some point. Didn't write that one
Just want to be able to bisimulate with a know good low-level core
the 68000 has never been designed to be good in a fpga-similar setup :-)
lemme look at the m68k disassembly
(yes, i can actually get useful insight from looking at disassembly of C++ templates stacked dozens of levels deep)
yeah, but you're special :-P
more seriously, I'm not even surprised. The point of the template is to have as little code generated as possible in the first place
handholding the compiler in a way
strangely, no
the way CXXRTL is designed it actually expects the C++ compiler to be very clever
It's often to point of my templates, but heh
like, CXXRTL doesn't really work well without really aggressive loop unrolling and constant propagation
ahhh hok I see what you mean
I consider that basic, today. It's telling the compiler that "here, that's a constant" that is important
we don't have automatic method duplication on various possible values of a variable yet, except for some special cases like memcpy
yeah, i see what you mean
that's one way to look at it
anyway, *very* *very* happy to have fx68k run under cxxrtl
the silliest part is that you didn't need to wait since january
could have just lowered the debug level a bit
I wasn't waiting, I was doing a thousand other things :-)
but no one told you that in the issue, it seems
ahh okay
it's you closing the issue that pushed me into testing
in fact you put something back on my todo list, so technically I should hate you ;-)
been mapping the m10k tiles on the cyclone v lately, which makes we wonder how one handles specialized blocks like that in nmigen/yosys/nextpnr
and in cxxrtl for the matter
nmigen has Instance, yosys has black boxes, nextpnr knows how to interpret these black boxes
in cxxrtl you can load the simulation model of the black box
lots of plumbing on the horizon, but very nice to see all the pieces are there
whitequark: can cxxrtl use the cells_sim.v ?
or do you need to write custom models ?
Sarayan: Yosys handles them as MISTRAL_M10K blocks, which nextpnr would then put in the correct BELs
you get all the visibility and all the optimization
so I can keep using p_thing for the external interface of the top module, but it's considered a good idea to go through the debug items for what's internal?
can you keep using p_thing for the ports: yes
(I noticed I can get the "uRom microAddr" variable as p_uRom_2e_microAddr)
you can just use p_uRom_2e_microAddr if you want
it's purely a matter of your convenience in this case
_2e_ is '.' in fact, right?
other than for ports, CXXRTL does not guarantee that the signals will be exposed as members, and if they do, what name the member will have
microAddr being a port of the uRom submodule that's why it's visible? or it's just pure luck?
most likely, the net you're looking at has many HDL names
on many levels of hierarchy, and possibly within a single module, too
only one of these names ends up as the name of the class member
and it's kind of arbitrary now
the debug info has all of the names
got it grepping the .cc, as one does
and they alias a single physical wire<> or value<>
that's what it is: a precise mapping from HDL level names to the physical storage
and I get the list through debug_items(items). Surprised you didn't use RVO
look at the implementation
consider also that for hierarchical designs (perhaps with blackboxes) you'd have a tree of debug_items functions in the model
ok, if you have a tree, ok
otherwise it would just have been debug_items items; at the start and return items; at the end
I use RVO a lot, it's so natural code-wise
ah, one can't copy debug_item around
oh, that's unintentional
oh cool. it would be nice to make it possible to have global/member ones, which you init at start and use whenever
it's POD
no default constructor though
references are POD?
take a look at its definition
it's a bit weird
because it inherits all the fields from the struct in the C API, just adds a few methods
oh, it's not reference, it's inheritance
so the only issue is the lack of default constructor I guess
it doesn't have a default state
arguably a design defect, there should've been CXXRTL_INVALID in the type enum or something
that means you must have pointers and ensure the lifetime of the items structure you passed debug_items
that's unfortunate
you could also cast it to the base class and use that directly