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good morning
Good morning
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Can someone help me? Where is the function "do_image_tar()" defined? I see in run.do_image_tar of my image, that the compressed *.rootfs.tar.xz is deleted after compressing. I wonder why, because I need that.
I need that tar.gz file to copy it into DEPLOY_DIR
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thomas_34: maybe you need to add this in your local.conf IMAGE_FSTYPES += "tar.gz tar.bz2"
mckoan I check that.... thank you
or rather, IMAGE_FSTYPES += "tar.xz"
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yo dudX
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Hi all, I needed xmllint in my system so I added IMAGE_INSTALL+=¨libxml2-utils¨ but xmllint is still missing. Both libxml2 and libxml2-utils are in the manifest. Looking at the logs I see that log.do_package does mention xmllint but log.do_populate_sysroot does not. What is going on? Why does xmllint ¨disappear¨ from the build process? That´s in mickledore if that matters. Thanks for any help!
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egueli-AV: do 'oe-pkgdata-util list-pkg-files libxml2-utils' to verify that the package has the binary you expect in
target sysroots don't contain binaries, as there's no point
@rburton yes, xmllint is there
and you re-bitbaked the image after adding IMAGE_INSTALL?
yes, I also cleared the sstate-cache and re-run it
no need for that
(that just meant you rebuild everything again for no reason)
bitbake -e [your image name], search for IMAGE_INSTALL=, verify libxml2-utils is actually there
yes it is mentioned multiple times
and the rootfs .manifest file lists libxml2-utils?
I just ran ¨rpm -qlp ./tmp/deploy/rpm/cortexa7hf_neon/libxml2-utils-2.10.3-r0.cortexa7hf_neon.rpm¨, the package does seem to have the files inside
feels like your not looking in the right rootfs, consider the manifest is generated from the rootfs itself
thanks for pointing to the right direction, my rootfs.tar.gz does have xmllint
but we do some post-processing so something went wrong there
- nothing provides procps needed by emqx-bin-5.5.1-r0.core2_64 from oe-repo
How dnf repo is populated with the rpms? procps is built but not in the repo
landgraf: only things in the dependency tree are added to the rootfs package feed
RP: procps is in RDEPENDS of emqx-bin
should it be in depends too?
landgraf: well, I'm just saying why it filters the packages visible in the rootfs construction. It sounds like some step in the chain isn't working :/
RP: I shoudl have read warnings :) "emqx-bin rdepends on ca-certificates, but it isn't a build dependency, missing ca-certificates in DEPENDS or PACKAGECONFIG?"
but it doesn't sound right to force all rdepends to be in depends...
landgraf: it doesn't require that, its probably that it can't "see" the RDEPENDS
landgraf: if the expressions are too complex in PACKAGECONFIG or PACKAGES, it can't know what to look at
landgraf: when it says build dependency in the context of that QA message, it just means it can't find it in the task graph at all
Does anyone have a Mac Mini with M2 Pro? Curious how they are as build machines.
RP: Oh, I see. thanks. It's rather complicated setup with multiconfigs/containers/etc so I'm not sure I want to debug this further :-(
* landgraf
is tired with systemd-logind and podman already
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Hello, I try to understand why the "python" package is in my image. So I used 'bitbake -g MY_IMAGE' (as I see on internet), but then in the .dot file I'm not sure to understand how we know which package require python
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1. What we have to search is 'python.do_build' ?
or 'python.do_install' ?
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From my understanding, the do_install would be what you would want to look for. do_build should build python, and I don't think that would run unless there is some recipe that needs python to be built before it can be built
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My understanding when I read my .dot file is that nothing except "the image" require "python" package. But what is funny is that "python" does not appear in my image files.
Now I am inheriting from image-core. Maybe something in that add python
Tyaku: the dot file is _build_ dependencies
if you care about the image then you mean runtime dependencies, which is something else
Yes I care about what is in the rootfs
the easiest way to solve that is to build with package management enabled and remove python
The idea is to know why python is there and remove it as it take space (if useless)
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i wonder if there's a tool to generate a dot file from a eg dnf feed
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I have this in my local.conf: 'PACKAGE_CLASSES = "package_ipk"' I also set this: 'PACKAGE_EXCLUDE = "python python3"' and 'PACKAGE_EXCLUDE_COMPLEMENTARY = "python python3"' python is still generated/installed into my rootfs
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16:30 -!- goliath [~goliath@user/goliath] has quit [Quit: SIGSEGV] ----> Very nice :D
Tyaku: something pulls it in via rdepends
log in, opkg remove python3-core, see what complains
thanks ! I'm going to try it, it's maybe more easy like this!
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Thanks you so much rburton!
a fun hack would be to parse the package feed metadata and generate a dot file from that
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python3 is added by: btrfs-tools-5.10.1-r0.cortexa53-crypto
and python by: ackage python-subprocess-2.7.18-r0.cortexa53-crypto package packagegroup-imx-core-tools-1.0-r0
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now you know what to kick
There is nothing that exists currently to do it like the -g option of bitbake ?
not currently
fwiw there's a packageconfig for btrfs-tools for python
It will be a very nice feature I think.
but imx-core-tools is an imx problem
it would be nice, and not that hard to write
I'm going to check to disable it for btrfs-tools, for imx, yes, with their BSP we have everything everytime, (display, sound stuff ..), but we are going to change to renesas so..
But btrfs is added by our image because we need it, so i'm going to check.
denix: jonmason: the timeanddate link for tomorrow's OE happy hour is pointing to next month's meeting
tlwoerner, jonmason: that's a feature, not a bug
JPEW: moto-timo: i'm not very familiar with github actions, so i'm very grateful for you two for having set these up for bmaptool
tlwoerner: regular emails do have the correct link, the wiki is just generic
looking over them, i see that one of the steps is to install the dev dependencies, then test. this is what caused it to miss that 'six' is a core (not dev) dependency
should this be updated to catch this in the future?
tlwoerner: I have learned a lot because of crops and other projects. Happy to share the knowledge;)
denix: awesome, thanks. it was actually vmeson who noticed (to give credit where it is due)
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vmeson: master. after adding multiconfig with different base_utils provider
landgraf: well, don't do that, I guess ! ;-)
vmeson: :-) I have too... because of emqx.
RP: if there's something i could help with for the release, let me know, otherwise I'll be working on bitbake-setup proof of concept
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kanavin: the proof of concept is probably what we need now as a project. The release is probably about done apart from a few things still getting pulled together