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<mischief> you want to rebuild uboot, even if nothing changed?
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<rbox> mischief: i'm modifyign the source
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<Ad0> mckoan|away, nothing yet, no solution found
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<manuel1985> Does someone know about an NTP server I can use to test embedded devices?
<manuel1985> One that I can freely tell which time to distribute to its clients
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<yocton> manuel1985: I recently used chrony to do weird time sync tests (not a NTP server though)
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<manuel1985> yocton: I think chrony can used as a server as well, can't it?
<manuel1985> chrony is so super complicated, though :/
<yocton> manuel1985: yes it looks like it can be used as a NTP server. I didn't find it complicated, it has just a lot of features...
<Ad0> manuel1985, do you still need an ntp client?
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<manuel1985> Ad0, no, don't need a client.
<Ad0> ok
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<manuel1985> Ad0, is that directed at me? Not looking for something to run on Yocto. I'm looking for an NTP server that's running on my development host and that I can use to test the NTP client on my target.
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<RP> zeddii, khem: I'm leaning to merging the go upgrade to 1.21, any objections?
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<zeddii> nope. I'll fix what breaks in meta-virt. do you plan on merging it today ? I'll get ahead and rebuild against it shortly. I assume it is in master-next right now ?
<zeddii> I see it i master next, testing now.
<RP> zeddii: yes, it is master-next right now
<khem> there are 3 apps in meta-oe and all of them are breaking with 1.21, I will disable them and let ayone needing them fix them and enable again
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<RP> khem: ok thanks
<RP> zeddi, khem: I've merged it since I think this helps get us in a better place for the LTS
<khem> whats blocking 1.22
<RP> khem: build failures
<khem> I see, yeah it seems to be env to C compiler is broken there
<khem> RP: zeddii the kernel patch to enable GPIO simulator is still pending
<RP> khem: I'm open to a fixed patch!
<RP> khem: I wanted to see zeddii's view on that one
<zeddii> I replied on IRC, I think ? I'm ok with it, since it is conditional.
<RP> zeddii: ok, I could have missed it, thanks
<khem> zeddii: thanks yeah maybe RP can stage it in this round
<zeddii> I've dropped most of my go 1.2x hacks in meta-virt, I'll push my new master-next shortly and let it soak against go 1.21 for a few days.
<khem> I have couple of patches in meta-oe waiting for it
<RP> khem: it is queued
<rbox> are there any helper scripts to view build logs? or do i have to manually get the run.do_configure path?
<rbox> log.do_configure*
<RP> rbox: there are visualisation UIs like toaster (a web gui) but most people do it manually
<khem> RP: I think we need to set export GOPROXY = "https://proxy.golang.org,direct" in go-mod bbclass
<mischief> khem: would you be making that overridable? we can't use go proxy..
<khem> it has to be set to some value
<khem> since go compiler checks it for in the env
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<RP> khem: that didn't help
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<rbox> what is the difference between doing bitbake -c compile -f receipe and bitbake -C compile receipe
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<RP> rbox: "bitbake -C compile X" is equivalent to "bitbake -c compile -f X; bitbake X"
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<rbox> the -c just does the one step and not the remaining ones?
<RP> rbox: correct
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<khem> I started playing with poky-bleeding nothing concrete yet
<khem> RP: I have fixed the failing go recipes in meta-oe
<khem> GOPROXY needs to be handled I think somehow
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<khem> for now I have added it to the concerning recipes
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<RP> khem: oh, for 1.21 maybe, yes. I was looking at 1.22
<RP> khem: I didn't have a chance to think about that patch yet
<khem> yeah for 1.21
<khem> for 1.22 I think I know whats going on, sadly this will need fixing the go compiler unless there is some way to inject it from env
<RP> khem: care to give me a hint? :)
<Ad0> manuel_, you can still use the first link
<Ad0> or use chrony
<khem> RP: go runtime is having new C code trying to be compiled and tooling can detect it. So maybe a tweak to prove this theory is enable CGO when building the failing apps
<RP> khem: it isn't even building the compiler itself though :/
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<Crofton> Groups.io is listed by spamcop ... I'm not getting any email from oe/yocto lists
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<RP> Crofton: :(
<Crofton> Very annoying. Next time I am at the laptop I need to report to groups.io ... I am wondering how many others are using email devices that check spamcop
<jmd> I thought spamcop stopped operating 20 years ago.
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<rbox> in the build/tmp/work directory things are separated out by the machine and the architecture... how does it know which one to use?
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<Ad0> machine I suppose
<Ad0> that decides the arch
<rbox> but like how does it decide which directory to put each pcakge in
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<RP> rbox: in rough terms recipes are machine specific or target tuning specific or "allarch" or native or sdk
<rbox> is it somethign thats calculated by the build system or is it a setting in the receipe?
<RP> rbox: machine/target/all is set in the recipe
<rbox> okay, i see that
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<khem> sigh ! rust: Upgrade 1.74.1 -> 1.75.0 broke rv32 again
<RP> khem: :(
<RP> khem: I was happy it worked anywhere in the end :/
<khem> feels like we should take gcc-14 as well while we are here
<khem> big components left till the very end can cause churn
<RP> khem: that is an order of magnitude more tricky :(
<khem> I know I am kidding :)
* RP is struggling to tell jokes at this point
<RP> khem: it looks like if I remove the linkmode from the cross-canadian recipe, 1.22 builds
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* RP notes thet go-cross-canadian appears totally broken and clearly nobody is doing interesting things with it :(
<RP> feels like rust all over again but M3 isn't the time to go and try and fix it
* RP wonders why his build is taking a while. Of course it is building rust
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