JPEW: pyrex images don't have ssh installed?
denix: No, probably not; what would you need it for?
JPEW: accessing internal resources, e.g. git-over-ssh and scp of some customer binaries inside recipes...
so, only the client part of ssh
Oh ya. Um that should work, we use ssh in pyrex all the time
hmm, are you using ssh directly or some proxy/agent setup?
ls-remote ssh://git@<edited> failed with exit code 128, output:
error: cannot run ssh: No such file or directory
pyrex-shell command should let you poke around and try to debug
that's the latest ubuntu-22.04 pyrex image
ok, I'll try pyrex-shell
I'm afk but I can look tomorrow
yeah, no problem
JPEW: thank!
$ pyrex-shell ssh
/bin/bash: ssh: No such file or directory
but I'll dig deeper :)
Huh ok. I'll look what we do tomorrow
anybody know what is needed to build wayland/weston (core-image-weston) for rpi5? I haven't quite gotten there yet and I feel like I set too many PREFERRED_PROVIDER
I have no idea if `vc-graphics-hardfp` is needed, but it is failing in `do_install`
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We have no choice for many OTA implementations.
(well, we have some other options for rauc)
khem: I should start hacking on a yoe distro config too ;)
khem: I might actually be able to help YOU for once.
I would say clone poky and clone meta-raspberrypi and build core-image-weston for pi5
if it does not build then complain here :) I would be interested
yeah, the DISTRO_FEATURES and the PREFERRED_PROVIDER s are the issue so far.
I'll start over from a simpler config.
I never got my pi5, it got lost in ether
international shipping is hard I guess
I was blessed to receive two after 8 months of waiting.
I think I ordered in September
so more like 5 months of waiting
I have no place for boards in my work room I have to expand to shed for h/w lab :)
I'll kick the yoe-distro can tomorrow. I have some interest in submodules right now.
I have a rack to assemble sitting on the living room floor. I've been wearing myself out lately though.
la la la
wife says these dont look pretty so she is rooting to move them out of house, I even have been allocated some real estate in shed
send them to me. I have an entire "workshop" that has not been activated yet. lol
Saul would approve of this message.
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with meta-freescale, what should do into MFGTOOLCONFIG when running a simple example as bitbake core-image-minimal -c populate_mfgtool?
The class complains that "MFGTOOLCONFIG is empty so populate_mfgtool cannot be run."
is there an example somewhere I could check?
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hum apparently the built-in command emmc_all should be enough to write the .wic.gz image, but I get HID(W):LIBUSB_ERROR_NO_DEVICE
which seems to be a misleading error, because with another file such as imx-boot, I get a quick yellow "10%" before printing the same error message
Any experience with meta-freescale and flashing image to emmc with uuu?
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yo dudX
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waves all
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Hi! What is the best way to call recipetool for a pypi package?
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recipetool create that is
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ernstp: with the pypi project url
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what is the best way to get docker compose (instead of docker-compose) i.e docker compose as plugin?
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note: yocto kirkstone with virtualisation layer installed
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Hello everyone! is there any way in Yocto to generate image for only one partition? Now my layer generates .wic.gz with all partitions described in wks file, but I need to generate image only of my rootfs partition - I need it for SWupdate, to use in dual copy strategy. I need to create custom image for that, with custom wks? or Yocto has specific
mechanism to do that?
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michalk0: This should be really easy: IMAGE_FSTYPES:append = " tar.gz ext4"
... or whatever you need.
I should try, thanks :)
denix: $ pyrex-run which ssh
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Im trying to build my own custom image with gstd, however, I'm getting this error: 'python3 setup.py bdist_wheel ' execution failed.
| DEBUG: Python function autotools_aclocals finished
| DEBUG: Executing shell function do_compile
| /home/ubuntu/roby/imx8x-kirkstone/build/tmp/work/armv8a-mx8-poky-linux/gstd/1.0-r0/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/bin/python3-native/python3: can't open file '/home/ubuntu/roby/imx8x-kirkstone/build/tmp/work/armv8a-mx8-poky-linux/gstd/1.0-r0/git/setup.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Guest65: at least the version that you're linking too has not been syntax converted, so the package specific operations at the bottom will not work
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Guest65: at least the version that you're linking too has not been syntax converted, so the package specific operations at the bottom will not work
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Guest65: and the next guess would be setuptools
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need docker compose as opposed to docker-compose on kirkstone, any help appreciated
meta-virtualisation layer added
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LetoThe2nd What would be a possible fix?
Guest65: I can immediately spot RDEPENDS, which is a high ranking candidate for problems. plus possible other fixes over an seemingly outdated recipe, which I'm not keen into digging TBH.
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LetoThe2nd: it is but I require docker compose (a space not a dash)
denix: Huh, how bizzare. Hang on and let me dig around a little
layers/meta-pyrex (master=) $ git pull
Already up to date.
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Ok, I was able to reproduce it
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LetoThe2nd The kirkstone one from openembedded does not provide the python package tho, what would be the work around? From the repo, only 0.15 uses. Kirkstone uses 0.8 tho
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Guest65: then probably you ned to come up with a custom recipe that suits your needs.
JPEW: what was it? easy to fix?
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denix: Ya, I think ssh just wasn't installed. Testing now
denix: Meetings are interrupting me :)
I'll try to get a new release today or tomorrow at the latest
JPEW: no problem. was just wondering if I was doing something bad
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JPEW: what was the image you were using that had ssh? is it public?
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denix: Well.... I _would_ make a release but ubuntu PPA seems down at the moment
Maybe it will be back after lunch
JPEW: it's not urgent... I got an ugly workaround for now - disabling AUTOREV and fetching internal stuff with 18.04-oe image. as long as internal stuff doesn't change often, I can wait a bit
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hello. I'm developing a layer and would like to add a task that only runs against target recipes. I'm currently doing `addtask func_name before do_build after do_fetch` and it's firing, but I can't figure out a way to only have that task run for a target recipe. I've also tried a few different ways in the function itself to return early if it's not
for the target but I'm not coming with any good approaches. Any thoughts or best practices?
denix: repo is a wonder of technology
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nindoja2: you can use an override when writing the function and define a no-op for class-target
ie do_configure:class-target() { : }
obviously you actually want to make class-native no-op
you _can_ do it by looking if the recipe inherits native in py, but overrides are eaier
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rburton: Hmm. I tried doing that, but I was unable to get that to work for a new task I'm adding (post fetch, but before build). I wonder if it has anything to do with addtask and a recrdeptask. I'll poke at that again and if it doesn't work, I'll post something more detailed with a pastebin link.
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rburton is there a different way to override target vs native in python for a custom task? I tried: `python do_data_collect-native` but when I try to add task, with `addtask do_data_collect before do_build after do_fetch`, I'm getting errors about `do_data_collect` not existing, which makes sense because I've defined it with `-native`. But when I
specify `-native` to addtask (`addtask do_data_collect before do_build after do_fetch`) I get a warning: `addtask ignored: "-target before do_build after do_fetch"`
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