RP: manually creating the taps helped but next problem I am running into is - qemu-system-x86_64: -vnc :0: Failed to find an available port: Address already in use
I am using TEST_RUNQEMUPARAMS = "publicvnc"
otherwise it launches qemu sdl backend
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RP: I found runqemu quite cumbersome to use in case if some nonstandard configuration is required (like spice, special network, p9 configs etc). from the other side if such config is required user should be ok to run qemu without the wrapper.
landgraf: I'd be interested to see if we could improve it, I agree it is far from ideal. It's big win is that it does work on the autobuilder
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RP: is master open for nanbield or do you want to keep it more sane for a while for easier cherry-picks to mickledore? (I'm thinking if it's time for me to send that IMAGE_NAME_SUFFIX change, but it can wait)
mcfrisk: are you sure your pipe isn't broken? IIRC this happens when I make typo like bitbake foo | teeee some-log
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JaMa: I'm calling bitbake via Makefile, but that hasn't changed in a long time. I hit this bug now twice in a row. testing now by redirecting bitbake and makefile output to a file where console behavior is different
looks my case with typo in pipe also changed behavior a bit, seems to be stuck in mickledore while it finished with error after short while in kirkstone, https://pastebin.com/JRwJtkXM
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Hey all, how can I add my .npmrc file to my npm based recipe?
This recipe uses modules served by github's npm registry and I need the npmrc to set the auth key
JaMa: I will start taking master changes in the next few days. I was trying to get a small amount of breathing room but it never works :/
JaMa: we do need to resolve that one, yes :/
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hmm piping bitbake/makefile output to a file made the problem go away
4.2 is out of QA and passed cleanly so we my be up to release notes etc
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Where is the timesyncd.conf located? I can't find it in the systemd-conf files
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hmm bitbake | teee wasn't stuck completely, it was writing "[Errno 32] Broken pipe" very quickly and very often while I've already forgot about this terminal with "stuck" bitbake after killing it with Ctrl+C it died similarly as it used to die in kirkstone https://pastebin.com/efS5y71r
oh that one, happens frequently to me. mostly with "bitbake -e foo | less" if I forget that into a terminal for a few days
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morning everyone. I'm giving volatile-binds a try and something doesn't quite click for me. All the generated services fail to start because the ConditionPathIsReadWrite check on the mountpoint is not met at the time when systemd starts the service.
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my mountpoints are all on the root fs so my best guess is a systemd dependency issue. But AFAIU the root fs is already mounted at that point, so this seems like a dead end
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AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2950X vs AMD EPYC 7401P - which one is supposedly the better build machine? Epyc has a bit less in GHz, but more threads and cache, so I'd guess that one.
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hey all, I have an issue where two layers are trying to apply the same patches. `meta-freescale` and `meta-imx` both apply the same two patches for `qtbase`. Is there another way to handle this other than fork>branch>remove the patches ?
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yudjinn[m]: removing one of the layers? alternatively, carefully applying BBMASK
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well I need both layers lol. Its just a specific bbappend in both that are doing extra things but also applying the same patch
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if you really *need* both appends, then its probably some variation of fork and/or extract
rip. I hate having project-specific branches in a layer, but I guess it may be my only option
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thanks for the help, though! I'll likely just mask it from above
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if you dont need both bbappends, mask one out. otherwise add your own bbappend in a later layer which uses anonymous python to remove the duplicate entry in SRC_URI
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later layer? Is the order of layers relevant? I am aware of BBFILE_PRIORITY_* but didn't think that order is important
just today I had a similar question. I have zlib from poky and zlib-intel (PROVIDES zlib) from meta-intel. Both have prio 5. How does bitbake decide which one to use?
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RP: JaMa cool. So I created 100 taps and switched to using egl-headless and I can run the ptest-fast images for meta-oe and meta-python in parallel, pretty nice now
khem: glad it is working better!
I need to wrap my head around on how to automate it so I can push it as a CI action and then I Can enable ptest images as part of CI for these layers on meta-openembedded repo
I cleaned up some layers but we still have few left in there. It would be good to improve that situation, perhaps also look at the validity of patch and submit it upstream if needed as well, could be a good improvement if some of folks are looking for some upstream work
u1106: yes, both order and layer priority matter, but for different things. i'm drawing a blank on which controls bbappend parse order, but it's a factor
good to know, thanks for your reply
you could do a TESTVAR += "something" in each bbappend and check the resulting value with bitbake -e to see what order they were applied
but honestly unless theo ther bbappends are using anonymous python, order shouldnt matter in this case, anonymous python will already run aftger whatever else they did
sure, bitbake -e is the strace of the Yocto user :)
:) and bitbake-getvar too of course
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bitbake -e is more like pre-processor if you draw the analogy with compilers
but the comments it inserts are very useful. I use bitbake -e much more frequently than gcc -E. And when I search through bitbake -e output I regularly find suprising matches. Either bugs or "ah, that's how bitabke does it"
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Hello, does devtool work with .deb files? I'm trying to create a recipe that will build and install cuda headers on target.
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zeddii: Bruce II said you should talk with the another Bruce III, how many of you are there?
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Nostromo30: devtool would do most common recipe work, repackaging binaries is not so common, so I doubt it will work out of box but you can try
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Yeah, I see that there's an option for binaries, but it's a meta package deb file as well which complicates the install process further.
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short gut feeling poll: Threadripper 2950X vs EPYC 7401P. my guess is that the epyc is a bit better suited as a build machine due to more threads and bigger caches, and the raw cpu clock does not make it all up for the threadripper. thoughts?
EPYC for sure, not only threads and caches, but much higher memory bandwidth
it depends on a lot of factors (e.g. if your builds typically rebuild nodejs and chrome or if you're building just smaller console images etc) for PC rented in cloud it probably doesn't matter much as you can rent 2 threadrippers instead of 1 more powerful epyc (I was looking at it as home workstation for OE builds)
I've read that there is a lot of last gen EPYC on 2nd hand market in China if you're feeling adveturous :)
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or I'll sell you my 3970x as I was already looking for 5995WX, but not many people (outside this channel) really need such powerful CPU :)
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Ah, I have another quick question I've been trying to solve for a work. A recipe I'm building with bitbake is complaining: QA Issue: file contained in package cuda-cupti-dev requires /usr/bin/perl, but no providers found in RDEPENDS:cuda-cupti-dev? [file-rdeps]
I've added RDEPENDS_${PN}-dev += " perl" within the corresponding recipe, but it doesn't seem to be taking effect. Are there additional steps necessary?
Nostromo88: what release are you using ?
grep for RDEPENDS in meta/ and you'll see that it is a : you need versus _ for recent releases.
Oh it's kirkstone. Thanks, I'll look into that!
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Do you mean I need to add the perl version that's being shown in meta/ in my RDEPENDS?
use : not _
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Thanks, I'm basing my recipe off of older recipes and I see that many of them are using the older _ convention. I'll adjust accordingly.