can you put a "deltask <taskname>" in a .bb file?
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good morning
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yates_home: yes you can, though it is risky (it can break the task dependency tree). Most often, do_task[noexec] = "1" is preferred
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yo dudX
\m/ O \m/
good morning everyone
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hello! quick question. Is it possible to set a variable in an image recipe and read it in regular recipe?
nucatus: no, because recipe data is local to the recipe and image recipe is... a recipe :)
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Hello everyone. Any tips on debugging sstate cache? I'm ending up with a whole rebuild for an image if the space between the builds is more then a few days old.
major_orange: bitbake diff-sigs might help
As far as I can see, it isn't fetching any new source (no fetch steps).
qschulz: thanks for this info. However, is there a way, instead of duplicating recipes, to parameterise recipes based on the image that is built?
nucatus: no, only configuration files allow this
qschulz: OK. What would then be the best practice to parameterise a recipe based on a targeted development cycle. For instance we have a image that produces a dev artifact, one that produces a stage artifact and one that produces the prod artifact
nucatus: different distro configuration files seem appropriate
but if it's really only a recipe or two, might be a better idea to just duplicate (you can include other recipe files from within a recipe to use as a base, or use a .inc) and add the packages of the correct recipe to your image recipe
note that obviously the packages and package recipes should be named differently
this gets trickier if your recipe is a dependency of another recipe, since you'll have to duplicate that one too
(distro is the cleanest, but has big consequences in terms of build time since almost nothing is shared between distros)
yeah, this is a pity that you need all that infrastructure just to handle different configuration files for different artifacts
because this is what we need in the end: different config files depending on the targeted dev cycle
nucatus: are the config files required at build time?
or are there config files that would be put in /etc on the target for example?
the latter
I mean we need the config at run time
then I think you can work around this by creating a package per config file (with a /etc/dev-conf etc...)
then in pkg_postinst_${PN}-whatever move the config file to the correct place (since you cannot have two files named the same). At first boot, the file will be installed in the correct place
might want to add RCONFLICTS between the three variants too
but that translates to an individual recipe for each config file, right?
you need to name your config files differently though
and always install them
then you split the different conf files in their own package via FILES_ variables
and you add a pkg_postinst (might be another function, you'll need to check if it does what you want) per package which renames or moves the conf file to the correct place on the rootfs
qschulz: Thanks. I've built `core-image-minimal` now twice. The second time I did a small change just to trigger some tasks to occur (I saw `do_rootfs` and
`do_image` running). However `bitbake-diffsigs -t core-image-minimal rootfs` complains `ERROR: Only one matching sigdata file found for the specified task (core-image-minimal rootfs)
(on the target)
qschulz: I think I got a grasp of it. I'll experiment with this and let you know. Thanks for the tip
qschulz: ok thanks.
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So just to clarify, if I see a task getting run i.e `0: core-image-minimal-1.0-r0 do_rootfs (pid 1145177) 13% |####### ` that means that task isn't cached. Right?
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yes. do_rootfs is usually never cached.
neverpanic: Thanks, that explains it why it isn't detecting a change
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What would be a good task then to use for an image? (the end goal is to try and identify the package which is triggering the rebuild of multiple other packages, usually I don't build individual packages but just do `bitbake core-image-minimal`) )
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look for new/"duplicate" files that are recent in the sigdata directory?
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how do I find out if I successfully overwrote a specific file with my file in a bbappend
Ad0: You can try the `bitbake-layers flatten`. It will flatten the recipes merging the bb files with the bbappend files and showing you the end result. Check `bitbake-layers flatten -h` for usage.
does it show the absolute path or something for the physical file location then
Try it out :)
that created a dir with tons of files yeah
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thanks but this doesn't show what the final output is of the package
when I bitbake my recipe how do I see what the final output files on the FS are ? what files it chooses to pick and where they go
Ad0: oe-pkgdata-util list-pkg-files <pkg> if I remember correctly
that lists the files involved in the package but no which file it picks in a machine/whatever directory
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if you want to know the content of the files and check they were correctly overriden, you can read the log in WORKDIR/temp/log.do_fetch and you'll see the paths that are searched
okay thanks
that's a proposal for the pkg utility or the like
tofind out which files were actually selected
Ad0: patches welcome :)
that log shows which paths are searched, indeed but not which one it found lol
what utility would that fit in qschulz if I were to actually take you up on it and make a patch hehe
maybe an option to bitbake itself
but it stands to reason that it searches machines/architectures etc before the root path
so if I have a fiel with the name there it should hit that first
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do_fetch.log could have [FOUND] or something as well
Ad0: first path to be found, first taken
Ad0: I think it stops at the first path it founds
(in the logs I mean)
qschulz: why does deltask potentially break task dependencies while do_task[noexec] = "1" does not?
yates: because you remove a task
I double checked the path in the log and it matches my actual path but it continues on searching
and your recipe will stop at do_configure without knowing what to do
it does all that stuff
it doesn't do rootfs etc of course
Ad0: re: the tool, maybe an extension to bitbake-layers show-recipes? The one that shows the bbappends
when you bitbake your recipe, doesn't it make ipk files and stuff
hi there -- I have a package which causes the image the fail with "Unable to install packages."
some data / package that has all the files
at the risk of asking a question whose answer may not be simple, is there a list of top-level "tasks" (packages?) involved in building an image? e.g., virtual/kernel, virtual/bootloader, rootfs, etc?
but only this specific package, without it the image builds fine. I cannot make sense out of it
virtual/kernel and virtual/bootloader are virtual recipes
do_build is what's called when you bitbake a recipe
DEPENDS, RDEPENDS and the like are actually cross-recipes task dependencies
yates most base packages are pulled in from a few packagegroups, like packagegroup-core-boot etc. (pulling in machine and distro packages)
when doing core-image-minimal, where is the directory where the rootfs files are laid out before making an image file?
I can look there as well for the true file
WORKDIR for the image recipe
work/<machine>/<image-name>/<image-version>/rootfs I think
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ok I nailed down my issue to the combination of a package + a packagegroup
both together results in "Unable to install packages.", only one of them works
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thanks qschulz
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There is a `.....rootfs.tgz.siginfo` for for rootfs. Does this disprove the claim that the image rootfs tasks aren't cached?
major_orange: defined "cached"?
They are kept locally, so if you rebuild again and nothing changed, it won't rebuild the rootfs
But they are not kept in sstate
I am detecting these files in the sstate paths. `./ee/2c/sstate:core-image-minimal:raspberrypi3-poky-linux-gnueabi:1.0:r0:raspberrypi3:3:4....dc_rootfs.tgz.siginfo`
(context wise, I'm trying to get to a minimal example to `bitbake-diffsigs` on an image to diagnose which packages are guilty for the rebuild)
major_orange: Err, I'm not sure :)
major_orange: sigdata files are in tmp/stamps
qschulz: Thanks. There is a rootfs task also there. `1.0-r0.do_rootfs.sigdata.ee2c421eb3466febf1ebcb701044b565d296675e161c01bdc39b711b069464dc`
does DEPENDS= or DEPENDS+= matter for a simple recipe that doesn't inherit anything explicitly?
whuang0389: can you explain a bit more what you mean by that?
just wondering if yocto pulls in "hidden" dependencies, so if I go DEPENDS="....", those "hidden" dependencies aren't pulled in.
hopefully that makes sense lol
whuang0389: DEPENDS= should be fine but I'd recommend to use DEPENDS += just to be on the safe side if you ever inherit another class/include another recipe
Hmm, does anyone live near Seattle and going to drive the conference?
JPEW: I _might_ do the 4-hr drive…
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Fair. I was thinking it would be easier to ship my test cluster to a local and have them hand carry it instead of trying to fly it with me
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so tomorrow is the last day for discounted in-person pass?
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whuang0389: Looks like it
need to somehow convince my boss now haha
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hey guys, so back to figuring out wic images today. So my board is currently flashed with a working image (boots and all fine). I used bmaptool to flash an sdcard, now I want to power up my board, go the the uboot prompt and somehow make it boot using the wic image on the sd card. I cant figure out what uboot commands to use in order to do this.
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If I do not want to pull in ${PYTHON_PN} as a dependency in my python package, should I add RDEPENDS_${PN} = "" before or after 'inherit setuptools3' or it does not matter?
override you might want to join #u-boot instead
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Is SUMMARY of DESCRIPTION set automatically by the setuptools3 class?
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RP: for the r/o pr server changes is rebasing to master-next which has JPEW's SIGTERM fix workable for you?
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smurray: yes, that'd work
RP: okay
vd: no
vd: (easily demonstrated by looking at the class)
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khem: yes, all my builds have been failing today
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RP dl9pf: I've pushed a meta-agl next branch update that should fix up the autobuilder. Took me a bit longer to untangle some new systemd v249 brokenness than I thought it would
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smurray: thanks!
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Does yocto supporting building images from the tar.bz2 ( using aw files ), without having a WORKSPACE available ?
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