But it is not clear how to do it, I only get the compilation of CUDA samples, but how do you add the driver and other cuda libraries?
hope someone has done it before!
I tried to research this topic, but I am disappointed from the little interest in this topic. Although, Nvidia Cards are being used to drive more applications than ever. (e.g. AI applications)
hope someone had tackled the problem and resolved it!
e.g. if I have the correct kernel headers/gcc and toolchain installed, can I use the runfile installers for driver and cuda regardless of my sysroot?
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good morning
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yoCuda: this is the Yocto Project channel therefore it is supposed you are using meta-cuda, isn't it?
mckoan morning, no I am not using meta -tegra. I am running an x86 machine with Tesla T4 card, and i just want to install its drivers and cuda libraries.
yoCuda: probably you are in the wrong channel
what channel do u recommend?
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Hello everyone. I cant find the documentation for configuring my package through local.conf. I am looking for an explanation of the correct format of ${VARNAME}_pn-${PN} (e.g. DEBUG_BUILD_pn-linux-mainline) - can someone point me in the right direction?
I think it's the recipe name after _pn-
I believe so too, but a doc would be great. I currently have the issue, that DEBUG_BUILD_pn-linux-mainline should be set, and therefore a config-fragment should be added to the kernel-config. But this does not happen. And i cannot see 'DEBUG_BUILD*' in the environment (e.g. by running bitbake virtual/kernel -e)
seems like it's missing from the bitbake doc
are you sure linux-mainline is taken when you build virtual/kernel?
just to be sure, use linux-mainline directly, at least it's one less possible issue
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Had a tainted virtual/kernel, did a cleanall and now i wait for a result. DEBUG_BUILD is now part of my environment, I can see the operations which are executed to buildup the src_uri variable. Is it possible to show the result of these operations?
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fotte: bitbake -e should show this?
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qschulz: Indeed! However the output is unexpected. I am using a .bbappend file: https://pastebin.com/gWyzX12F the output of bitbake -e an operation containing 'my-debug'. It is part of the pre-expansion value, but it is not part of the expanded SRC_URI
fotte: you need to look for a line starting with DEBUG_BUILD= in bitbake -e
DEBUG_BUILD_pn-linux-mainline="1" is likely to appear for any recipe since it's part of the a configuration file
qschulz: Now i am confused. Maybe I should state my assumptions: in local.conf: FOOVAR_pn-barrecipe = "my_value", when parsing barrecipe I can check for FOOVAR by using: SRC_URI += "${@bb.utils.contains('FOOVAR', 'my_value', ' ', 'file://...', d)}
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fotte: what I meant is that build bitbake virtual/kernel -e | grep DEBUG_BUILD should actually be build bitbake virtual/kernel -e | grep DEBUG_BUILD=
fotte: also... it probably works since my-debug.cfg is not in your SRC_URI?
if you set DEBUG_BUILD_pn-linux-mainline="0" in your local.conf, does it appear?
craziest thing. Setting DEBUG_BUILD_pn-linux-mainline = "0", does work - now my-debug is part of SRC_URI, and is listed as a configuration fragment. But why?!
fotte: because you inverted the logic
c.f. link posted above
aaarrrgss shoot me. wrong order of arguments to the contains function… Thank you so much!
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fotte: my pleasure :)
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rburton: quite unlucky for the moment with containers supposedly able to compile poky with rootless podman. Tried pyrex, issue with SSH agent forwarding. Just tried crops/poky, even worse, unable to write in the workdir. I guess it's time for some elbow grease :)
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Is there a freescale/nxp dedicated yocto forum or mailing list somewhere ? meta-freescale mailing list seems abandoned
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qschulz: pyrex *should* work, but it's not a very common use case, so it probably needs a better test case if you can figure out what's wrong and fix it :/
JPEW: yeah, still planning to investigate a bit, but felt like crops was nicer to use in jenkins?
qschulz: ah ya. Probably. Pyrex is more for developers than CI, although we use it on CI FWIW, so it's not impossible
kroon: for what architecture? i.MX?
JPEW: yeah, probably going to end up using pyrex for myself, and crops on jenkins. At least that's the plan :)
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likewise, I tried emailing "meta-freescale@lists.yoctoproject.org" but got a reply that the mail couldn't be delievered, "meta-freescale wasn't found at lists.yoctoproject.org."
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when i put 'FILES_glibc-locale += "/usr/lib/locale/"' in my glibc-locale_2.32.bbappend, it appears that it is getting replaced by bitbake from the build message 'WARNING: Variable key FILES_${PN} (${bindir}/* ...) replaces original key FILES_glibc-locale (/usr/lib/locale/).'
how do i get my FILES_glibc-locale to "stick"?
this is in a "bitbake core-image-minimal"
the end result being that i get a QA error that /usr/lib/locale/ is not shipped in any package
please help. as you know i've been fighting this problem for weeks and i'm at my wit's end with it.
that was the output of bitbake -c populate_sdk_ext core-image-minimal -e | grep FILES | fpaste
yates: bitbake -e on glibc recipe ;)
qschulz: good idea
hang on - i'm checking out my BBFILES setting. it could be hosered
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rburton: what did you say the idiom is for BBFILES? something like /*/recipes-*/*.bbappend ?
have a look at literally any layer
recipes-*/*/*.bb recipes-*/*/*.bbappend
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if a build folder has a conf/bblayers.conf with a BBFILES += "${LAYERDIR}/..." defined, will that BBFILES get concatenated to any BBFILES += "${LAYERDIR}/..." defined in a layer's conf/layer.conf?
is it valid for the build folder to have a BBFILES definition?
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the default BBFILES in bblayers.conf is "". LAYERDIR doesn't make any sense in the context of bblayers.conf. What layer?
maybe look at what a fresh poky does for bblayers.conf and eg meta-poky/conf/layer.conf.
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ok my BBFILES ?= "" in my build/conf/bblayers.conf
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and i changed glibc-locale to ${PN}. that got rid of the "WARNING ... replaces original key" warning, but i still get the exact sameQA error
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let me recheck the -e output
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that ^^^ is the output from bitbake glibc-locale -e | grep FILES >~/files0.txt
(i.e., files0.txt)
again i do not know which of these may be relevent. this line looks suspicious: override[glibc-locale]:rename from FILES_${PN} data.py:104 [expandKeys]
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rburton: do you have any more thoughts?
can anyone give me hint how to debug devtool? when i try "devtool modify virtual/kernel" i get an error printed out "IndexError: list index out of range"
ok so my FILES is working, see the very last path here: FILES_glibc-locale="/usr/bin/* /usr/sbin/* /usr/libexec/* /usr/lib/lib*.so.* /etc /com /var /bin/* /sbin/* /lib/*.so.* /lib/udev /usr/lib/udev /lib/udev /usr/lib/udev /usr/share/glibc /usr/lib/glibc/* /usr/share/pixmaps /usr/share/applications /usr/share/idl /usr/sha
okay.. the problem was that in the kernel Makefile (./build/tmp/work-shared/ohp-vf/kernel-source/Makefile) was defined as an empty string.
when i set it manually to something the devtool modify is working
rburton: ?
hmm.. sorry it has not worked :/
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BuZZ-T: sounds like you're having about as much fun as I am...
upgrading between yocto versions is always fun :P but fortunately its all open source.. so i need to dig a little bit arround :)
yeah, it's only code...
1000s and 1000s of lines of code, but code...
at least i found out whats wrong.. but not why it was like that :)
BuZZ-T: i wish you luck! you will find it soon!
so refetching kernel sources.. that take a few minutes
you're not using DL_DIR?
sure i do, but the cleanall was my last attempt to get it working
somehow the created kernel sources doesn't have EXTRAVERSION set.. and cleansstate brought another error
i've eyed yocto's state and associated automatic (?) dependencies with a grain of salt for years now
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if anyone is still listening, i suspect my glibc-locale QA problem is not fixed with a FILES_${PN} = blah because there is no glibc-locale package per se; the glibc-locale packaging splits it into a whole bunch of other packages.
(${PN} == glibc-locale)
i tried "FILES_glibc-gconvs = blah" because i saw the glibc-gconv package get generated in the do_package routine (because i hacked it with a bb.note())
that did not work, but it is appreantly because of another deeper problem with the csky architecture setup
in other words, i think i'm edging closer to the final solution
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off chance but anyone ever had any problems running GPGME (specifically, ostree) inside an initramfs? is it because i don't have a real init?
figured it out, machine thought it was 1970 and the key wasn't valid yet
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good old dead battery/epoch problem never gets old.
I guess 1970 finally goes away in 2038.
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paulg: it is still "0" isn't it? :)
Has anyone else seen boot time socket activation issues with systemd and ssh which may or may not be arm specific?
(ssh connection made early in boot just hangs)
not the classic "no entropy on new rootfs" problem?
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lukma: FWIW I fixed that eSDK pseudo issue
paulg: connection hanging for 300s then new connections ok?
if your only entropy is coming from network interrupts, then it can look like that....
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paulg: it has the virtio rng too I think :/
in theory, if you have a console, you should see it sitting there pining for the fijords while it waits for entropy to create the host key on initial boot, I would think.
but I'm a kernel guy, so what do I know?
paulg: The logs show it reaching a serial login with systemd saying network enabled but the kernel logs look truncated to me :/
if you reboot with the same "already booted once" filesystem, is the problem gone?
paulg: history shows that this is somehow load related so rebooting with the original bnot booted filesystem works
RP, is it exactly 300s - and then fail (connection refused, or ... ?) ; or "feels like five minutes" and then lets you in, or .... ?
paulg: our timeout kicks in and it gives up
ah, right - automated tests like the LTP poo I was swimming in. Got it.
paulg: looking at the logs suggests openssh keygen didn't finish. The image that did work (1 out of the three) uses dropbear instead
I think I need to check the virtio rng passthrough is actually there
yeah, that sounds about right - and makes me think of the "no entropy for keygen" issue as soon as I heard it.
paulg: it is good thinking
CONFIG_HW_RANDOM_VIRTIO=y and it is on the qemu commandline
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paulg: everything says this should all be enabled. Starting to wonder if it was just resource starved that keygen took longer than 5 mins :(