Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2024.10 is OUT / Merge Window is OPEN, next branch is CLOSED / Release v2025.01 is scheduled for 06 January 2025 / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<marex> Forty-Bot: I had to subscribe when I started contributing
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<Forty-Bot> marex: I'll check tomorrow, but I'm definitely not getting mailing list emails on my linux.dev email
<Forty-Bot> could be that I'm subscribed but disabled reception
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<Tartarus> So, yeah, I'm the one going through the moderation queue and I approve things that aren't spam and clear moderation flags when they get set
<Tartarus> But also, a fair number of people get bounced and Google is awful imho about hosting emails
<Tartarus> Personally, I'm subscribed but not deliver and use lei to fetch from lore.kernel.org instead
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<per1cycle_> is there any changlog for release 2024-10?
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<sng> xypron thank you and all other reviewers for reviewing the patches. the patches evoked some strong opinions for sure, but it was good fun :)
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<mps> per1cycle_: git log (I asked same after 2024.10 released though I knew there is no such thing)
<mps> Debian have Changelog related to debian but maybe reading it could give some info
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<apalos> So, to all pls. We made big changes in U-Boot's memory management and the TCP stack
<apalos> The memory management is included by default, if you see any problems pls yell so we can fix it before 2025.01
<apalos> the TCP stack changes are optional, but generally speaking behave better than the default TCP stack
<apalos> So if you can enable LWIP and do some testing on top, it would be much appreciated
<apalos> same goes for crypto, if you can run your boards enabling mbedTLS, it uses an external library for crypto now
<LeSpocky> apalos: did I understand corretly lwIP does not work with DM_ETH? then how should that be tested on real hardware?
<apalos> LeSpocky: it does that's probably a leftover on the cover letter
<apalos> We have tested it on a number of boards
<LeSpocky> nice to know :-)
<apalos> generally speaking it behaves a lot nicer
<apalos> TCP ACKs, SACKs etc that used to be buggy are a lot more reliable
<LeSpocky> I'm all in for using a well tested IP stack
<apalos> but it's a big change anyway, so we need more testing!
<apalos> yea, that was the reason for picking up mbedTLS for crypto and l;wip for TCP
<LeSpocky> ^^
<apalos> I mean our TLS code was mported from the kernel ~8years ago
<apalos> and I am not saying it was bad, it was just unmaintained
<apalos> it's way easier to pick it up from a project that's used, well mainatined, has CVEs etc
<LeSpocky> just using tftp for bootstrapping our boards, but I will test it in the next weeks
<LeSpocky> right
<apalos> thanks
<apalos> LeSpocky: oh and there's an end goal
<LeSpocky> o.O
<apalos> With mbedTLS & lwip we can enable HTTPs downloads relatively easy
<apalos> I'll send the patches enabling it within the week
<apalos> The idea was that we have a lot of machinery in EFI now, to automatically install distros
<apalos> So basically you can ship a board with just the firmware, which automatically installs the OS the first time it boots
<LeSpocky> wow
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<Guest85> I'm reading MAC address from EEPROM and write in ethaddr env variable in board_late_init. One I printenv for it in U-Boot console it gives me all zeros. Can you please tell me what is over writing
<Guest85> I'm checking it back with net list
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<Guest85> if I do echo ${ethaddr}, I see nothing
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<calebccff> apalos: all EFI memory allocations are failing for me on U-Boot master
<calebccff> on RB3 Gen 2
<apalos> calebccff: that's with LMB applied?
<apalos> and does it work on grn2?
<apalos> gen2*?
<calebccff> wdym with lmb applied?
<calebccff> it's not working on rb3 gen 2 no
<apalos> There was a series applied last night that makes the EFI allocation go via LMB
<calebccff> right, that's probably the culprit
<apalos> yea i meant does it work on rb2*
<apalos> reserved[10] [0x1fe9c9000-0x1fe9c9fff], 0x00001000 bytes flags: no-notify, no-overwrite
<apalos> that should be some EFI memory iirc
<calebccff> apalos: seems like it does work on rb2, that's weird
<apalos> calebccff: yea we tested other hardware here as well and it looked fine
<calebccff> so why is rb3gen2 borked...
<apalos> is there anything special on that boards memmap ?
<calebccff> just what's in the pastebin
<apalos> ok and wha does the EFI allocation failure look like?
<apalos> I mean is there a useful print or just 'failed'
<xypron> calebccff: Which defconfig?
<calebccff> apalos: just "out of memory" printed by efi_alloc()
<apalos> aha
<calebccff> xypron: qcm6490_defconfig
<apalos> calebccff: are you trying to allocate anything big ?
<apalos> ok, so that board has 3 memory banks ?
<calebccff> apalos: no, just booting to u-boot cli
<calebccff> the tiny allocations for registering EFI disks fails
<calebccff> apalos: https://p.calebs.dev/44587d
<apalos> can you do an efidebug memmap ?
<apalos> also that out of memory print,, is all over the place,
<apalos> why are those prints from EFI?
<apalos> well the "ERROR:" one is
<calebccff> apalos: only "out of memory" string with no newline which could be relevant :P
<apalos> well that's the weird one
<apalos> I cant grep a print without \n
<calebccff> apalos: memmap fails with "Error: Cannot initialize UEFI sub-system, r = 9", but i stacktraced the alloc failure... https://p.calebs.dev/f36849@raw
<calebccff> apalos: I did $ rg "\"out of memory\""
<apalos> 'ERROR: Out of memory' does indeed come from EFI
<apalos> ok, then something does indeed fail to init
<apalos> does the rb2 have a similar memory layout?
<apalos> My first thought is that somehow we dont account for all the memory and we ideed "run out"
<apalos> the backtrace helps btw thanks
<calebccff> apalos: really no idea what's up, the allocation simply works on rb2 and not on rb3gen2
<calebccff> must be some quirk with the memory map
<apalos> yes
<apalos> it's either an oversight from lmb or the map on that was always borked and it unearthed now
<apalos> but whatever it is we need to sort it quickly
<calebccff> apalos: enabled EFI debug logs on rb3g2 https://p.calebs.dev/967c8c@raw
<apalos> ok sec
<apalos> so it fails to allocate 1eedb8000 right?
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<xypron> apalos: Looking at the efi_add_memory_map_pg messages the 6GiB were never added.
<apalos> xypron: pre lmb we were adding all memory as conventional memory
<apalos> efi_add_conventional_memory_map() was doing that, I dont see anything added as conventional memory on that debug
<apalos> that now gets added via LMB
<apalos> calebccff: can you revert e1b6822d6522d94d579d53092342b542d368a04b and try again?
<apalos> If that work, we missed something when the lmb now adds the memory map
<calebccff> apalos: sure
<calebccff> apalos: yeah that works
<apalos> hooray
<apalos> yea ok something is borked on that update logic in the lmb_map_update_notify()
<apalos> or its never called in time
<apalos> ok i'll have a closer look tomorrow morning and send patches
<apalos> I am looking at https now and I am too old to context switch :>
<calebccff> heh sure
<calebccff> thanks for the help
<apalos> yw
<apalos> right I am done with lwip sooner than expected
<apalos> let me go stare that thing
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<apalos> does this work?
<apalos> calebccff: ^^
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<apalos> ah nvm lmb_add already does that
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<apalos> ok I'll ping you tomorrow and we can sort it out
<apalos> perhaps lmb_add fails for a region in lmb_add_memory()? We should at least add a log_err there to warn
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<calebccff> apalos: oh one sec
<calebccff> ah
<calebccff> well, even with the revert booting still fails
<apalos> ah ok
<calebccff> efi_allocate_pages: 11808 (48365568 bytes)
<calebccff> on that allocation
<calebccff> not sure why it's allocating 46M
<calebccff> kernel isn't that big, neither is initramfs
<apalos> ok so if you revert that commit, the efi subsystem does initialize now,
<apalos> but it fails when you try to boot an OS
<apalos> right?
<calebccff> yeah
<apalos> ok
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<apalos> so the first problem, is that somehow memory isnt properly getting added to the efi memory map
<calebccff> right
<calebccff> w/ revert memmap is https://p.calebs.dev/79b924@raw
<apalos> ok, there's a lot of holes in that map :<
<apalos> anyway, got to run now, I'll ping you tomorrow and we can sort it
<calebccff> sounds good
<apalos> hrrm if you can dump the efi memory map pre -lmb patches that would help
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<apalos> and can you check lmb_add() in lmb_add_memory() fails at any point on your board?
<xypron> Tartarus: I wonder why CONFIG_NXP_ESBC ended up in the main menu. Shouldn't we put this under 'Security support'?
<Tartarus> xypron: Because it's part of arch/Kconfig.nxp for arm and powerpc shared stuff, yeah. If you can safely move it around somewhere else please do
<xypron> orangepi_pc_defconfig puts it into the main menu.
<Tartarus> I think it just didn't get past stage one "move it out of arch/arm and arch/power being duped" or so
<xypron> That is sunxi not NXP
<Tartarus> Oh, so just the general lack of depends on ...
<Tartarus> which is hard for some of these parts
<Tartarus> If you want to figure out some "depends on" line that doesn't break the platforms, please do
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<xypron> apalos: I just booted PineA64 LTS and OrangePi PC with the LMB changes and found not problems there. calebccff's problem seems to be board specific.
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<xypron> apalos: host bind 0 disk.img after efi_init_obj_list does not cause an EVT_DM_POST_PROBE. So in the EFI sub-system we do not see the drive. We should ensure that binding a block device leads to probing.
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