Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2024.10 is OUT / Merge Window is OPEN, next branch is CLOSED / Release v2025.01 is scheduled for 06 January 2025 / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<per1cycle> Hey, I'm currently working on mainline(ize) the vendor's uboot to upstream, and I've watch this video https://youtu.be/5E0sdYkvq-Q?si=dufqJ1VELtMS8XdK to know the basic workflow. i wonder what is the effect should achieve next? my board is sipeed licheepi3a(with spacemit k1 soc same as bpif3)
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<qschulz> do we have documentation on all the environment variables that do something in U-Boot?
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<qschulz> i'm asking because we're about to add a new one for the number of random bytes to feed as seed to the rng on Rockchip
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<qschulz> sjg1: mmmm, seems very odd to me that defining LOG_DEBUG actually also define DEBUG (in a C file)
<Tartarus> qschulz: yes, doc/usage/environment.rst
<qschulz> Tartarus: aaaaah, thanks :)
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<qschulz> oof, tinyprintk doesn't support # flags
<qschulz> flag*
<Forty-Bot> just type 0x?
<qschulz> well, yes :) but there's code already that uses that # sign
<sjg1> qschulz: It's largely because it would be even odder to have to define DEBUG and/or LOG_DEBUG depending on whether debug() or log_debug() is used in the file. What do you suggest?
<qschulz> sjg1: I want to be able to print log_debug/debug without triggering an assert() :)
<qschulz> so, I would suggest to decouple debug() from DEBUG
<Forty-Bot> I would rather decouple assert() from DEBUG
<qschulz> or we should just not have debug() anymore and migrate to log_debug() entirely and then have LOG_DEBUG not define DEBUG?
<qschulz> Forty-Bot: or that, don't know what's best practice/most used for enabling assert() in C projects
<LeSpocky> std assert() behaviour depends on definition of NDEBUG
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<sjg1> qschulz: Migrating away from debug() SGTM
<sjg1> qschulz: Assert should really have an indepedent Kconfig, since mixing it with debug messages can cause problems
<qschulz> sjg1: agreed on all of these :) someone needs to do the work now hehe
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