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<_whitenotifier-6> [scopehal] azonenberg closed pull request #780: Fix memory leak in Filter::FindPeaks -
<_whitenotifier-6> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±2]
<_whitenotifier-6> [scopehal] 602p f9e8ea0 - Fix memory leak in Filter::FindPeaks
<_whitenotifier-6> [scopehal] azonenberg 148899e - Merge pull request #780 from 602p/fix-findpeaks Fix memory leak in Filter::FindPeaks
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<d1b2> <lle_bout> gotta love the bugs that only reproduce in -O3 Release mode
<azonenberg> lol
<azonenberg> have fun :p
<d1b2> <lle_bout> @azonenberg the only info I've got so far is that indeed when the waveform data is requested, nothing comes out from Rigol according to Wireshark
<d1b2> <lle_bout> A TCP packet with 12 bytes of data, that's it
<d1b2> <lle_bout> #9001000000
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<azonenberg> that's the header saying the length is 9 digits long
<azonenberg> and that the message is 1000000 bytes of data
<azonenberg> and then that data apparently is MIA
<azonenberg> so yeah definitely firmware derping out
<azonenberg> good luck figuring out how t orecover in the driver. Sometimes these hangs lock up hard enough that the scope itself needs a power cycle
<d1b2> <azonenberg> Have you tried smaller memory depths to see if the bug is triggered primarily/excljusively by deep memory?
<bvernoux> I have found a way to recover from that
<bvernoux> in my opensource code for rigol MSO5K to retrieve the waveform
<bvernoux> but it requires socket access and use a trick
<bvernoux> Different tricks to avoid bugs in Rigol MSO5K are in that function
<bvernoux> Also in latest Rigol MSO5K Firmware they have improved the SCPI commands and it is about 20 to 30% faster with less issue like that
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