azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing | | Logs:
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<azonenberg> So apparently siglent's VNAs go to 26.5 GHz now
<azonenberg> might have to demo one of them, although it'd be a pain to fit one in my lab as they're full sized instruments with displays
<d1b2> <fox.sabrina> for working with the mso5000 specifically, pulling waveform files off via ftp or usb i've found several orders faster than the ethernet scpi interface
<azonenberg> That's hilarious
<azonenberg> can you script a FTP waveform download over scpi?
<azonenberg> if so that might be a plausible way to pull data off moving forward lol
<d1b2> <fox.sabrina> yeah, you can enable ssh on them, and move files over sftp, and ftp as well iirc
<d1b2> <fox.sabrina> when i was getting LA support for the bin format working that was my primary workflow
<azonenberg> PRs for integrating that as a supported waveform download method in scopehal are welcome lol
<azonenberg> i'd suggest making it a new driver derived from the main rigol driver
<azonenberg> and just override AcquireData()
<azonenberg> Also, as a status update... i've been in crunch mode getting my ethernet switch board ready to fab, but i just sent gerbers out to order
<d1b2> <fox.sabrina> might get that working as a driver next time i take some time off work
<azonenberg> And my $dayjob craziness is likely to be coming to a near-term end soon as i expect to be WFH a fair bit of July
<azonenberg> And maybe august
<azonenberg> which means another 20 hours a week not commuting that i can spend in my lab instead :p
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<d1b2> <lle_bout> @fox.sabrina I read in the changelog that in last April there was an update with SCPI waveform download performance improvements
<d1b2> <lle_bout> v00. 2023/01/04 - Add shortcut button and VNC remote function - Waveform, cursor movement, gesture operation vertical and horizontal gear switching speed optimization - Cursor optimization: cursor jump optimization, ZOOM area and main time base cursor linkage, etc - The color of the CH4 waveform is modified, and the brightness of the waveform is improved - ZOOM mode optimization: mask color adjustment,
<d1b2> switching speed, area movement optimization - SCPI instruction response speed optimization: reset, measurement, waveform read instruction response optimization
<d1b2> <lle_bout> @azonenberg I upgraded my Rigol scope to latest firmware and compiling your software on Fedora to test it, so far so good following the manual with latest git master, it's compiling
<d1b2> <lle_bout> I don't have any precise goal right now, I'm just bored with equipment on my desk
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<d1b2> <lle_bout> $ ngscopeclient ngscopeclient: /home/lle-bout/Downloads/scopehal-apps/src/imgui/imgui_draw.cpp:2150: ImFont* ImFontAtlas::AddFontFromFileTTF(const char*, float, const ImFontConfig*, const ImWchar*): Assertion `(0) && "Could not load font file!"' failed. Aborted (core dumped) Some font problem apparently, even though they were installed as /usr/share/ngscopeclient/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf etc. Investigating.
<d1b2> <lle_bout> It seems to be looking for them in /usr/share/glscopeclient/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf instead according to strace.., even though I am running ngscopeclient and that the install script from CMake did not install them in a folder named glscopeclient anywhere.
<d1b2> <lle_bout> glscopeclient seems to open fine though
<azonenberg> interesting, well you should easily be able to copy the files
<azonenberg> to the location it's looking for
<azonenberg> The install feature is not super well tested because most of the devs just run out of working copies from git lol
<azonenberg> And i'm working on a porper fix right now
<_whitenotifier-6> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-6> [scopehal] azonenberg 085e248 - Added share/ngscopeclient as a search path
<_whitenotifier-6> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-6> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 18a4876 - Updated to latest scopehal
<juh> i have convinced it to build under docker, but i’m not well versed in using docker as a build system without then having to run the thing in docker too. i’m planning to explore some of that eventually
<azonenberg> juh: yeah generally improving the build and install flow is on the wishlist
<azonenberg> as well as working with GyrosGier who made wip debian packages a long time ago but i dont think has updated them since
<azonenberg> but i didnt want to try and get them into mainline debian until we had something more closely resembling a stable release
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