azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing | | Logs:
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<bvernoux> @azonenberg, Do you plan to update glscopeclient/imgui stuff are they pretty old and there is tons of new commit (332) in latest imgui
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<azonenberg> bvernoux: yes i plan to update. i've been updating carefully with testing because we already had the filter graph editor break with an imgui update
<azonenberg> so its not something i do without verification
<azonenberg> and i've been working 60-hour weeks lately (well ok 40 in the offiec and 20 of commuting, but just as bad)
<azonenberg> so havent had much time
<bvernoux> yes no problem
<bvernoux> I will update the dependencies for glscopeclient if you want and add ngscopeclient
<bvernoux> the previous CMakeLists.txt is using ldd which is not good to find all dependencies
<bvernoux> my proposal is to use
<bvernoux> Potentially you could even add it to glscopeclient project as dependency
<bvernoux> it will solve all present and future dependencies (using recursive dependency check on Exe/DLL for Win32/Win64)
<bvernoux> I have provided an example to fix dependencies for glscopeclient
<bvernoux> It will be required also for future update of toolchain for windows with VisualStudio anyway
<bvernoux> But Visual Studio build will be a long road I think as lot of API used compatible with mingw/linux does not exist on VS
<bvernoux> To be checked step by step when such task will be launched
<miek> bvernoux: how did your LibreCAL builds go? did you end up publishing any measurements of them?
<bvernoux> miek, ha yes I have not finished it as I'm porting the calibration on my tool
<bvernoux> miek, anyway all things for LibreCAL Firmware and Host Tools are good and merged in official branch
<bvernoux> miek, my plan is to update (it is WIP and was a bit stalled)
<bvernoux> It is mandatory to do the full 4 ports calibration without spending >4h per LibreCAL
<bvernoux> Using my HP8753D VNA
<bvernoux> miek, why you are interested by 1 unit ?7
<bvernoux> I was searching a way to compress the cal files in a transparent way too to fit 4 ports cal in default 2MB SPI Flash see
<bvernoux> I have some bigger SPI flash but I will need to swap the flash on the 4 boards I have (I have already tested that with success on 1 board)
<miek> i'm very interested to know how well the design works, i'd probably produce my own though as i'd want to measure it myself up to a higher frequency and definitely put some bigger flash on there
<azonenberg> bvernoux: my plan is to not spend any more time on mingw
<azonenberg> i intend to deprecate glscopeclient and gtk in the very near future
<azonenberg> all dev work needs to focus on making that happen (i.e. getting all missing features in ngscopeclient)
<bvernoux> azonenberg, yes anyway the dependencies will be required also for ngscopeclient as today there is no any installer
<bvernoux> azonenberg, I have provided my mingw shell script to do it anyway
<azonenberg> yes because today ngscopeclient is built with mingw
<azonenberg> long term plan is to build it as a native win32 app under visual studio
<bvernoux> you want to say as native win64 app ?
<bvernoux> win32 app is obsolete and very limited
<azonenberg> sorry yeah
<azonenberg> i meant native windows OS rather than any compatibility layers
<bvernoux> mingw32 build is native too
<azonenberg> yeah but it's got posix glue all over it
<bvernoux> not so much in fact
<azonenberg> anyway point is the mingw build process is a giant pain and i want to move away from it
<bvernoux> you maybe confuse it with cygwin which is really crappy and bloated
<azonenberg> msys2 is a huge pain point for new users
<azonenberg> we constantly get complaints about people having problems getting things to install or run on windows because of it
<azonenberg> i want a fully native solution, end of story
<bvernoux> In fact for developer yes
<bvernoux> but for user's with a good portable apps with dependencies we will have exactly the same as with VS build
<bvernoux> VS build add even more dependencies in fact even in MT
<d1b2> <david.rysk> can't cmake produce VS projects and makefiles for cygwin equally well?
<bvernoux> Today we do not product cygwin project
<d1b2> <david.rysk> for mingw*
<bvernoux> but Mingw64 build and Linux (and MacOS WIP)
<azonenberg> yes the goal is to have cmake produce a vs project
<bvernoux> product=>produce
<azonenberg> and just build a native OS application
<bvernoux> I can show you the mingw64 build
<bvernoux> all is native
<azonenberg> we bundle most of our core dependencies like imgui already, the vulkan sdk has an installer
<bvernoux> the different posix stuff compatible with Linux are also native in fact
<azonenberg> one of the biggest benefits of moving to imgui was the potential to get rid of mingw64
<bvernoux> for vulkan that will simplify things for VS yes
<bvernoux> mainly the lib provided in Vulkan are produced with VS 2017 IIRC
<bvernoux> I'm not sure they have switched to VS2019 or more in latest official version
<bvernoux> Unfortunately their support and reaction towards issue is dead slow
<bvernoux> I have an issue create few years ago withou any update
<d1b2> <david.rysk> VS2015/2017/2019/2022 all use the same standard libs
<bvernoux> towards their VulkanSDK for Windows which miss lot of header/c files which are present in the VulkanSDK for Linux which is OK
<d1b2> <david.rysk> (and that's annoying because it means certain newer C++ lib features are broken and can't be fixed as MS doesn't want to break ABI)
<azonenberg> @david.rysk: any idea if we use any of those?
<d1b2> <david.rysk> I doubt it
<azonenberg> and i thought that was the whole point of winsxs
<d1b2> <david.rysk> and there are workarounds
<d1b2> <david.rysk> lol
<azonenberg> that you can have arbitrarily many libc's etc installed
<azonenberg> and they dont conflict
<azonenberg> bvernoux: iirc they explicitly said that the packaging is different for windows and that module wasnt included or something?
<d1b2> <david.rysk> covers the situation (and yes, the MS C++ library code is open source)
<bvernoux> azonenberg, it works today by rebuilding some part of VulkanSDK because anyway they have missed some header/lib even for VS for spirv ...
<bvernoux> to be checked with their latest official SDK
<bvernoux> Which is official and available for all platform
<bvernoux> Win/Linux/MacOS
<bvernoux> Which include potentially some interesting fix towards Vulkan Configurator (vkconfig) has been updated to improve quality and stability. ...
<bvernoux> As it is really buggy (at least on Windows) with old VulkanSDK we are using
<bvernoux> Are you ready to check VulkanSDK can be used with ngscopeclient ?
<bvernoux> if they have not broken some things vs VulkanSDK at least to build & use ngscopeclient
<azonenberg> I'll play with it in a bit
<azonenberg> version 239 at least is known good, thats what i am using for dev
<azonenberg> but there are some in between versions that break
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