azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing | | Logs:
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<azonenberg> I'll be pulling latest and debugging a bit tonight
<azonenberg> @mughees: can you break on that error message and see what the filename it's passing in is?
<azonenberg> and whether the file exists, and what your working director y is?
<azonenberg> That assertion is from imgui, the gui toolkit we use in ngscopeclient only, so it makes sense if something is borked that glscopeclient would be unaffected
<azonenberg> but that failure seems to suggest something is wrong in path resolution or you're missing data files or something
<_whitenotifier-9> [scopehal-docs] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-9> [scopehal-docs] azonenberg 16e2c43 - Added fake dependency between ngscopeclient and glscopeclient manuals to prevent race conditions causing failures during parallel builds
<_whitenotifier-9> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-9> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 0a9cffd - Updated scopehal-docs with parallel build fix
<azonenberg> yeah i cannot reproduce the issue @mughees is having
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