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<d1b2> <tnt> Not pretty but should do the trick
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<d1b2> <tnt> @azonenberg Huh ... I got the data in glscopehal but the "save" doesn't seem to actually save anything.
<d1b2> <tnt> (any of the data that is)
<azonenberg> @tnt are you using glscopeclient or ngscopeclient?
<d1b2> <tnt> glscopeclient.
<azonenberg> glscopeclient file load/save should work fine, i use it all the time
<azonenberg> (ngscopeclient file stuff is incomplete)
<azonenberg> it should save to a scopesession file and a _data directory
<d1b2> <tnt> Weird. I just built it and I don't think there is anything in the _data dir.
<azonenberg> there should be a dir for each scope then a dir for each trigger timestamp plus a yaml file of metadata
<d1b2> <tnt> Does it save digital channels ?
<azonenberg> yes
<d1b2> <tnt> There is definitely data currently captured. But saving just yields what I attached.
<azonenberg> Hmmmmmm
<azonenberg> the metadata file shows no waveforms
<d1b2> <tnt> If I try to load it here, it crashes actually : unhandled exception (type std::exception) in signal handler: what: yaml-cpp: error at line 17, column 17: bad conversion Trace/breakpoint trap
<azonenberg> yeah i dont thinik it liks heaving no data
<azonenberg> If you open the history window after collecting the waveforms
<azonenberg> do you see anything?
<azonenberg> i just tested in a current built 2 mins ago loading a digital waveform from a file and re-saving it and it worked as expected
<azonenberg> wondering if maybe agilent driver bug or something, although i cant see how that would be possible
<d1b2> <tnt> History window is empty 🤔
<azonenberg> Ok so that's the reason nothing is being saved
<azonenberg> it iterates through history to generate the waveforms being written to disk
<azonenberg> Why there's nothign in history is another question
<d1b2> <tnt> I press the "start trigger button (single shot)", then I launch the script that triggers the GPIB message. Scope has been setup (using its local UI) to trigger on that. Then a few seconds later, I get the data appear in scopehal.
<d1b2> <tnt> But nothing in history.
<d1b2> <tnt> Ok, so I enabled one of the analog channel and a line appeared in history after retrigerring.
<azonenberg> and then if you save to a session does it work correctly?
<azonenberg> its been a while since i've tested a pure LA
<d1b2> <tnt> Well a few second after that it crashed.
<azonenberg> Lol lovely
<azonenberg> can i get a stack trace?
<d1b2> <tnt> ** (glscopeclient:25399): ERROR **: 17:04:05.871: unhandled exception (type std::exception) in signal handler: what: vk::Device::waitForFences: ErrorDeviceLost
<d1b2> <tnt> is all I have.
<d1b2> <tnt> I was probably too zoomed out and that fucks up the GPU when displaying too much data of analog trace.
<azonenberg> yes we have seen device lost errors before with slower gpus and large zooms, possible internal timeouts
<azonenberg> it may be necessary to break up one shader call into several smaller ones
<d1b2> <tnt> So yeah, I retried now and saving when one analog channel is enabled works.
<d1b2> <tnt> Since I don't have the courage to re-rename and re-color all the channels, here's the data I exported in VCD from the first capture.
<d1b2> <tnt> ( It's *IDN? and then the instrument responding KEITHLEY INSTRUMENTS INC.,MODEL 2400,0996948,C27 Feb 4 2004 14:58:04/A02 /K/H )
<d1b2> <tnt> If there is anything specific you want to capture tell me before I tear down the setup 😅
<azonenberg> ok so yeah it sounds like we have a bug saving or triggering with at least that scope with no analog channels
<azonenberg> a VCD is good enough
<azonenberg> let me verify i can load it
<azonenberg> ok yeah i see what looks like valid waveform data
<tnt> Yeah, I did a quick sanity check on it lookking at how gpib works.
<tnt> All signals are active low, including data. (i.e. 0V = '1' and 5V = '0' )
<d1b2> <tnt> Ok, so if that capture is enough, I'll put everything away now 😁
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