azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing | | Logs:
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<azonenberg> miek: yeah
<azonenberg> I've been working behind the scenes with them for close to a year now beta testing it
<azonenberg> there is not-yet-upstreamed scopehal support for it that i'm going to be merging shortly now that the software's existence is public knowledge
<azonenberg> the new software is a massive improvement over the old vb6 garbage which was completely unusable
<azonenberg> the picovna hardware is actually quite nice and now that this software is out i can recommend people buy it :p
<azonenberg> (just need to test it with the prod release because they changed a few scpi things last minute)
<azonenberg> My one complaint is that there's a paid firmware update for existing instrument owners to enable it
<azonenberg> Which goes against their general longstanding historical practice of "once you buy an instrment, all future updates are free"
<azonenberg> Although i can kinda understand it here as this is a completely new software platform developed from scratch not just like a new protocol decode or something for an existing software suite
<azonenberg> also, related: anyone have thoughts on how to handle slow sweeping waveforms from a specan or vna?
<azonenberg> in particular, i want to re-draw them as partial updates come in
<azonenberg> but i don't want to refresh the filter graph until we have a full, consistent set of data from a complete sweep
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