I'll start by getting scopehal to compile, now that I have linux (I'll get OpenBSD support in another universe ^_^)
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The other thing i'm starting to experiment more with in ngscopeclient is deferred / background processing of long running operations like waiting for values from instruments
So a properties window might show up immediately but not populate with full details until a few hundred ms later
<david.rysk> And there’s why you need SDL 😂
Lol. I suspect there are good cross platform audio libraries that are less heavy. But as I mentioned on the call I'm also not tightly coupled to glfw at this time
there are about a dozen API calls we make that could be easily swapped out to SDL if we decide to go that way
So this could be easily changed now or in the future
<david.rysk> For cross platform libs, portaudio is the usual one, but there are newer options too
I mean back in the day I used OpenAL
i have no idea if that's still a thing (and we don't need 3D positional audio for this application)
<david.rysk> Ahh, OpenAL is another thing that got ruined by Creative Labs
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg 18fddf9 - Fixed bug where current was formatted as volts not amps
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg c239213 - Initial skeleton of RFGeneratorDialog
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg a6fc620 - PowerSupplyDialog: load UI state asynchronously
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg b0d027b - RFGeneratorDialog: can now configure all features exposed by current (very limited) API. No tooltips etc yet.
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if anyone have an idea why the GitHub CI Windows Test fail
I clearly do not understand why it was working before and now it fail to run the exe
I even tried to execute it with GitHub CI in debug mode but there is absolutely no any error except the "Error: Process completed with exit code 127."
Last things I changed was removing opencl packages not used/required anymore in msys2/PKGBUILD
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johnsel .... *sigh*
I have my finger on the 'order' button for that fx3 board ;)