azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing | | Logs:
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<_whitenotifier> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal] azonenberg 05454b0 - PicoOscilloscope: use RemoteBridgeOscilloscope
<azonenberg> Ok so there is definitely a bug in the pico driver related to querying memory depths
<azonenberg> i have a packet capture of DEPTHS? followed by a pause of over five seconds
<azonenberg> before we get the reply
<azonenberg> it's intermittent though
<azonenberg> so i'm not yet sure why/how it happens
<azonenberg> it's often enough that it's annoying but rare enough to be a pain in the butt to debug
<azonenberg> it seems to be server side
<azonenberg> [1648005774.485898] waveform start
<azonenberg> [1648005774.488457] GetSampleDepths
<azonenberg> [1648005779.858587] GetSampleDepths mutex
<azonenberg> [1648005774.485913] got waveform mutex
<azonenberg> [1648005779.858493] waveform done
<azonenberg> ok something really funky is happening here
<azonenberg> We begin grabbing a waveform,lock the mutex
<azonenberg> While the mutex is locked but before we finish sending the waveform data to the client, a DEPTHS? command comes in
<azonenberg> GetSampleDepths() begins, but then waits for the mutex that is held by \WaveformThread
<azonenberg> so far so good
<azonenberg> But then five seconds pass before we finish sending the waveform to the client
<azonenberg> and i don't understand why
<azonenberg> interestingly, five seconds is the clientside socket timeout
<azonenberg> at which point the driver has given up on the DEPTHS? reply ever coming
<azonenberg> So what i think might be happening is that the server is holding the mutex while sending waveform data
<azonenberg> but the tcp buffer fills up
<azonenberg> and the client isn't emptying the buffer because it's blocked on GetSampleDepths
<azonenberg> I think the solution to this is actually to revert to the setup i had before, not holding the mutex while writing the waveform data
<azonenberg> but be more aggressive about pulling all of the state before i release the mutex
<azonenberg> so i still have a consistent snapshot of the waveform content
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-pico-bridge] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-pico-bridge] azonenberg c0fc88b - Do not hold mutex while actively pushing data to the client (can cause deadlock until client socket times out)
<azonenberg> @louis: see above. this likely needs to be fixed in the dscope driver too
<azonenberg> tl;dr my earlier "hold mutex while sending waveform" fix introduces a new bug
<azonenberg> so if you copied my fix you probably copied the bug too
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-waveforms-bridge] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-waveforms-bridge] azonenberg 9525723 - Do not hold mutex while pushing waveform data to client
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg e8599d7 - Updated submodules
<azonenberg> @louis any objections to me closing now that we have basic functionality done and documented?
<azonenberg> we can add more features in the future, and there is still cleanup and refactoring to do
<azonenberg> but at this point we have a driver which is usable for basic stuff. generally that's been the point at which i close the "add X support" ticket
<azonenberg> and file new tickets if needed for not-yet-finished features
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<bvernoux> @azonenberg, I see you have added "Support digital channels on DSLabs devices (i.e. DSLogic)"
<bvernoux> you shall clarify it is DSLogic from
<bvernoux> as DSLabs is not their name and it is confusing
<bvernoux> So I will try with my DSLogic U3Pro16 as it is supported
<azonenberg> bvernoux: yep, @louis is the dev for that driver and bridge
<azonenberg> please let him know if you have issues
<bvernoux> ok great
<bvernoux> IIRC it is the first Logic Analyzer supported ?
<bvernoux> ha ok I need to launch that
<bvernoux> in // I suspect
<azonenberg> It might be but we have a lot of MSOs with LAs already
<azonenberg> i think its the first pure LA
<azonenberg> and yes, same socket architecture as the pico and digilent interfaces
<azonenberg> that bridge will eventually support lots of other sigrok devices but to date only supports dreamsourcelab stuff
<bvernoux> yes this sigrok bridge is a very nice things
<azonenberg> the bridge is dual licensed gpl+bsd and the scopehal side is pure bsd
<azonenberg> the socket provides a clean license boundary
<bvernoux> yes the socket is very nice for that
<bvernoux> to avoid poluting bsd license with GPL ;)
<azonenberg> (the bridge binaries are gpl since they link to sigrok, but source is dual licensed so we can copy code from the bridge itself to other stuff under BSD)
<bvernoux> ha interesting especially for distribution of binaries I think
<bvernoux> It will be nice to add the bridge exe in glscopeclient-windows-portable ...
<bvernoux> as so far bridge-xxx are not part of glscopeclient build
<azonenberg> My plan is to package bridges as optional addons in the windows install package long term that you cna check or uncheck
<azonenberg> and as separate distro packages or linux
<bvernoux> ha ok
<azonenberg> for*
<bvernoux> I see bridges does not have any github/workflows so far
<azonenberg> Correct. there is no CI for bridges yet
<azonenberg> We are in the middel of some major refactorig of the bridges if you look at the changelog
<azonenberg> moving as much as possible of both client and server into common classes and libraries
<azonenberg> CI for bridges, as well as better unit testing project wide, is very much on the long term wishlist
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<bvernoux> It is a total fail to build DSView\libsigrok4DSL with MSYS2 MINGW64 ...
<bvernoux> So I cannot build & test the bridge on Windows ...
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal] bvernoux synchronize pull request #481: Add support of PicoScope3000 MSO (16chan option) -
<azonenberg> File a ticket for not working on windows
<azonenberg> louis is on linux so not surprising he hasnt test
<azonenberg> but i also dont know if any of the other bridges have ever been tested on windows
<bvernoux> There is already an issue but DreamSourceLab support is awfull and they never reply
<bvernoux> It is a shame as they have "stolen" the code from sigrok/pulseview but they have never updated the readme to build stuff
<bvernoux> I have built sigrok/pulseview with success with MSYS2/mingw64 for information
<azonenberg> Long term i plan to write our own driver to avoid the sigrok integration for it
<azonenberg> since sigrok's api is awful
<azonenberg> but near term this gets it at least somewhat functional on linux
<d1b2> <louis> Yes, this is not surprising. I can take a look at trying to build it on a windows box; I haven't tried at all.
<d1b2> <louis> If you download and install DSView from the DreamSourceLabs website, the bridge is intended to build against an unmodified libsigrok4DSL
<azonenberg> bvernoux: note also that since the bridge is socket based
<d1b2> <louis> (admittedly, I have no idea if the DSView download works or includes an independantly-linkable version of libsigrok4DSL)
<azonenberg> you can build the bridge for a linux system and connect to it from a windows glscopeclient instance
<azonenberg> bvernoux: re picoscope 3000 support, i was actually goign to poke you about it
<azonenberg> what's the current status of that
<azonenberg> and is any change needed on the bridge side to make it work?
<azonenberg> (you will probably notice the bridge has been significantly refactored over the last week or so)
<tnt> So with the bridge that means cheap fx2 LA are supported now ?
<azonenberg> tnt: not yet
<azonenberg> the bridge only works for dreamsourcelab stuff at the moment
<azonenberg> but this is a big step in that direction
<azonenberg> and support for all of the cheap sigrok hardware is going to happen as a result of this
<bvernoux> I have not done any other test with Picoscope 3000 I need to rebuild latest bridge
<azonenberg> ok
<azonenberg> We are still working on flow control between glscopeclient and the bridge, sometimes the bridge sends data faster than glscopeclient can keep up and you get some buffer lag
<azonenberg> the same is true of the dreamsourcelabs stuff
<azonenberg> so this is a common issue with faster stuff
<azonenberg> especially when paired with a slower computer
<bvernoux> ha ok interesting
<azonenberg> the symptom of this is when you see events (changes to coupling on a channel, pushing a button on the DUT, etc) after several waveforms of latency
<azonenberg> rather than immediately the next trigger after you do it
<azonenberg> this is caused by several waveforms getting caught up in queues
<azonenberg> We will be working on flow control to improve this over the next couple of days
<azonenberg> it's part of our next focus after the current refactoring we just finished
<bvernoux> I think the best to have more testers which do not have fast oscilloscope is really to decouple slow oscilloscope to UI
<bvernoux> like "discussed" on Twitter last time
<azonenberg> It's a nice idea
<bvernoux> like that even slow oscilloscope with 1WFM/s could be usable with glscopeclient
<azonenberg> it's just nontrivial to actually *do* it
<bvernoux> ha yes I imagine
<azonenberg> given a combination of real world constraints and the hardware itself
<azonenberg> the first issue is, if you have a scope that runs at 1 WFM/s
<azonenberg> and assuming the retrigger delay is fairly short (i.e. it spends most of that second either waiting for a trigger-valid reply or waveform data)
<azonenberg> any read command you send to the scope comes with a 1-second minimum latency
<azonenberg> on average
<bvernoux> yes we cannot do anything about that of course
<azonenberg> the second issue is, while we cache as much as possible
<bvernoux> what will be nice is the UI is not slow like menu
<azonenberg> the first time you access any given setting the cache is cold
<azonenberg> Prefetching is possible, but will just shift that delay elsewhere
<azonenberg> So if the menu requires knowing whether a given channel is ac or dc coupled, at some point we have to ask the scope that
<bvernoux> maybe that could just keep last N WFM
<azonenberg> and it's going to take a second for that reply to come back
<azonenberg> And rather than trying to prefetch all of those settings when you first connect to the scope, and adding a long startup delay
<bvernoux> the idea is just to do now have the UI slow as hell and responsive
<azonenberg> to me, it seemed logical to instead incur that delay on demand when you first access that setting
<bvernoux> now->not
<azonenberg> so for example it won't pull timebase settings from the scope until you open th timebase properties dialog
<azonenberg> because doing it in advance would require adding that same delay sooner
<azonenberg> What we *can* improve on somewhat easily is better write queueing
<azonenberg> such that when you are sending a command and do not need a reply, such as adjusting vertical scale
<azonenberg> you don't have to wait for the current waveform download to finish first
<azonenberg> there is some WIP work on that already
<bvernoux> yes it will be a nice improvement
<azonenberg> But it's nontrivial to actually implement due to quirks of real world scopes
<azonenberg> and not being well behaved
<bvernoux> as so far the UI is linked to the WFM/s
<azonenberg> Not exactly true
<azonenberg> The UI is largely decoupled from the actual waveform download
<azonenberg> what you're seeing is serialization events where some UI event has to block on access to the scope
<bvernoux> yes probably but the feeling is the same
<azonenberg> some of that blocking is necessary, such as querying channel coupling before opening the context menu the first time
<azonenberg> Other blocking is unnecessary and can be fixed by write queueing
<azonenberg> i experimented with write queueing on the Tek driver some time ago
<azonenberg> and it was horrifically laggy
<azonenberg> buggy*
<azonenberg> i need to spend more time on it
<azonenberg> part of the problem is that i do not have any slow scopes to test with :p
<azonenberg> i buy fast ones
<bvernoux> just try with Rigol and you will understand ;)
<bvernoux> The same with Siglent IIRC as they are something like 2WFM/s max
<bvernoux> All cheap scope in fact have such issue except Picoscope which are natively very fast to stream data
<azonenberg> The dreamsourcelabs stuff is super faast too
<azonenberg> I am actually going to give Jason at Siglent a call right now while i'm thinking about it
<azonenberg> and see if he'll send me a demo of one of their lower end scopes, probably a 2000x+, that i can try to optimize on
<azonenberg> the focus won't be the siglent driver as that's @mubes territory
<bvernoux> Yes especially the DSLOgic U3Pro as it is direct streaming over USB3.0
<azonenberg> but on optimizing application core
<bvernoux> yes I imagine 2000x+ are very similar in "slowness" with SCPI to Rigol
<monochroma> i think there are enough low cost high speed equipment that focusing on stuff that's slow and broken is a waste, but that's just my $0.02
<bvernoux> if you can optimize it with a scope with 2WM/s (or even 5WFM/s) it will be clearly a game changer even for ultra slow <= 1WFM/s
<azonenberg> monochroma: well it's not actually that i care about slow/broken stuff
<azonenberg> so much as that a fast scope over VPN and a slow scope look very similar from the client's viewpoint
<azonenberg> and *that* is a use case i do care about a lot
<bvernoux> monochroma, It is just there's 1000x more people with slow/cheap scope than with fast Scope and that can help to have feedback and PR for glscopeclient
<monochroma> heh. i was mostly talking about that people keep bringing up rigol, and that just seems like a dead end to me, unless someone REs and patches the firmware (or a replacement firmware)
<bvernoux> If we do a poll on which have a Scope which cost >15KUSD and use open source tool I imagine there is not lot of people today
<monochroma> sure, then this software really isn't for them :P
<bvernoux> as Company so far using >20KUSD scope have bought all SW options and probably does not want to play with glscopeclient
<azonenberg> bvernoux: you'd be surprised
<bvernoux> Anyway with time I'm pretty sure more and more company with big scope will join
<azonenberg> we actually are seeing a fair bit of interest from people with $$$ scopes who are tired of paying $e6 or $e7/year across their fleet to buy software options
<bvernoux> Yes especially for that I can understand
<azonenberg> That is my primary target right now. Industry users have decent scopes, not super cheap ones, and they see the obvious business benefit to open tooling
<bvernoux> TO pay huge money for crappy UART support ;)
<bvernoux> I do not speak about other option as they are totally crazy price for SW options
<azonenberg> and at least some of them are willing to contribute because they recognize that it's cheaper to pay someone to implement the feature once
<azonenberg> than to buy it N times
<azonenberg> Louis, the guy who wrote the dreamsource driver, works for one of those places :p
<bvernoux> Yes I'm totally agree it is just I doubt they will contribute
<azonenberg> He's working ~20 hours a week on scopehal stuff now on his employer's dime
<bvernoux> You can check big companis using AirSpy product I have developped no anyone have contributed ;)
<azonenberg> You just don't have the right relationships with users yet
<bvernoux> And it is used by lot of very very big company ....
<azonenberg> yes, huge companies are not necessarily the best target. smaller companies run by techies not business people are more likely to contribute back
<azonenberg> Anyway, point is, for the near term my focus is not on hobbyist users. if the project benefits them, then great
<azonenberg> but my focus is on myself and other people using it professionally with decent hardware
<azonenberg> And on adding high end features to attract more serious professional users
<bvernoux> I just think hobbyist users can bring lot of things before big/medium company start to push something
<azonenberg> Which is why you saw me build a PCIe decode before an I2S decode
<bvernoux> For example some will do some Youtube video/tuto
<azonenberg> like i said, we *already have* commercial users contributing
<bvernoux> You will "never" see that from big/medium company
<bvernoux> as it is often forbidden to show anything public
<azonenberg> And i'm trying to ramp that up
<monochroma> also there isn't much of a point when something like 80% of the features are useless to low end scopes because they can't even capture the required signals fast enough for the decoders >.>
<bvernoux> On my side I'm planning to rampup too ;)
<bvernoux> With lot of chance to buy a Tek MSO64B
<azonenberg> by end of 2022 I hope to have the equivalent of several full time engineers working on the project (most likely a lot of part time devs vs a few full time, but we'll see)
<bvernoux> And I could use only glscopeclient
<azonenberg> Talk to louis before you try using it on a tek mso :p
<bvernoux> Yes I have exchanged with louis over Tweeter
<azonenberg> See how his attempts at optimize/stabilize the driver and poking tek to fix their firmware bugs have gone
<bvernoux> He plan to rent again a Tek MSO64B to evaluate it again in few months
<azonenberg> You're not talking to the same louis then
<bvernoux> On my side I need the features of MSO64B with 50GSPS
<azonenberg> The one here has a couple of mso5/6s
<azonenberg> well if you buy it to use it as a standalone scope, great
<azonenberg> but if you buy it to use with glscopeclient you may be disappointed unless tek gets their firmware fixed
<bvernoux> Lecroy seems to be better on UI & speed but they are clearly far from the Tek MSO64B in term of base price and performances 12bits ADC 50GSPS
<bvernoux> I have discussed with them and they have nothing comparable
<bvernoux> in best case they was offering me something with 10GSPS or 20GSPS for the same price
<azonenberg> yes, lecroy's fastest 12 bit scope is the 10 gsps / 20 interleaved wavepro hd
<bvernoux> and only 8bits
<azonenberg> but do you actually need 12 bits?
<azonenberg> i find for most of my work 8 is fine
<bvernoux> Yes
<bvernoux> I need 12bits or more especially for 1GHz BW
<azonenberg> Have you looked at keysight's offerings?
<bvernoux> as yes at >2GHz BW anyway at output there is not even 8bits ENOB
<azonenberg> i know they have a bunch of fast 10/12 bit scopes
<bvernoux> and the scope switch to 8bits
<bvernoux> I also need the spectrum view
<azonenberg> i cannot speak to performance of recent keysight gear w/ glscopeclient
<azonenberg> (as i dont think anyone has tested)
<bvernoux> for RF stuff which is not provided by other scope
<bvernoux> to debug PLL stuff or other advanced RF stuff
<bvernoux> I clearly do not want to buy KeySight stuff I really hate their phylosophy ;)
<azonenberg> what philosophy?
<bvernoux> Yes I hate how customers are locked with their buisness
<azonenberg> that sounds like every scope vendor
<azonenberg> lol
<bvernoux> and their price are totally crazy too ;)
<azonenberg> Also sounds like every scope vendor
<bvernoux> yes but they seems worse ;)
<bvernoux> So far they have nothing interesting in term of price/performance compared to the 12bits 50GSPS Tek MSO64B ;)
<bvernoux> They have provided me anything in comparison when I have contacted them
<bvernoux> They are clearly not interested by small company and they do not want to do anything
<bvernoux> anything->nothing
<azonenberg> ah yes, keysight does seem to be less interested in small customers lately
<bvernoux> yes clearly
<bvernoux> They are far from HP & Agilent ;)
<azonenberg> yeah well the HP we once knew and loved is dead
<bvernoux> Which was providing some price "accessible" master piece of hardware in comparison ;)
<bvernoux> Keysight are even selling some crappy stuff
<bvernoux> their low cost scope are just awfull
<azonenberg> well isnt keysight stil lselling the same entry level scope they've had since it was agilent branded?
<azonenberg> essentially unchanged?
<azonenberg> msox-3000 or something
<bvernoux> yes a 100MHz BW scope for 4Keuros ;)
<bvernoux> what a joke
<bvernoux> With SW options like UART which cost 1KUSD ;)
<bvernoux> and the most funny 4Mpoints memory ;)
<bvernoux> when you have >100Mpoints on a cheap Rigol MSO5K with 8GSPS
<bvernoux> which cost 5x less
<bvernoux> Maybe the Infinivision is better polished but that do not justify this stagging price since more than 10years
<bvernoux> without any improvement and such small BW for such price and this ridiculous 4Mpoints ;)
<bvernoux> on chipset side Analog Device is like KeySight on lot of components ;)
<bvernoux> overpriced and crazy I hope some other big chip manufacturer will change that
<bvernoux> It seems to be the main issue when company are managed only by Marketing guys...
<Degi> UART analyzer costs WHAT? xD
<bvernoux> probably 1KUSD the UART analyzer option ;)
<bvernoux> I have seen that one time what a joke ...
<bvernoux> If you want UART+I2C+SPI it cost more than 3KUSD ;)
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<d1b2> <mubes> @azonenberg don't worry about banging on the Siglent...the more eyes the better. If you speak to Jason you might mention that they've all gone a bit radio-silent. We've got a few bugs and enhancement requests outstanding with them, not to mention scheduling the loan of a 6000A for a couple of weeks to test against.
<azonenberg> ok great i'll poke them